Monday, November 29, 2010

Waves of Sea......Awakening Inner Thee!

Waves are reflections of my thoughts
The Candid one's that touch my life like rocks
they come, they touch, they go
leaving behind sands of truth to adore
the serenity of the calm filled sea
adores my inner self awakening me
looking at the vast horizons that never touch
the mergers of land, water and sky
that invade my waves and thoughts alike
crusading my peace, gushing thoughts
invading my happiness and inner peace
There, I sit alone, lost in my thoughts
looking at the unending waves of the sea
The depths so uncertain, just like our lives
But still we wander towards our horizons
just like the waves with hopes and dreams
Every time, I sit at the sea, I find myself again
for every waves takes away life's every pain!!!
Leaving behind the sands of love to gain,
And happiness and joys of life to regain…..

Monday, November 22, 2010

India's New Freedom Struggle

India’s New Freedom Struggle
It took several years for India’s freedom struggle from the British Rule to dawn on the Nation in 1947. But it is unfortunate, that the country today is thrown at the mercy of a rat race. Rat race for Power, Money and Authority with no people in thought. The so called Largest Democracy in the world the name of “For the People, By the People, To the People”, today is nothing but a big joke. 60 years of Independence, and we as the Nation struggle for real freedom. Freedom of speech, Freedom of Governance, Freedom of Growth, Freedom for a Nation free of fear, free of poverty, free of unemployment, free of pollution, free of corruption and free of agitation and restlessness. Today, we the Citizens of India are proud of our achievements in the Global Stage. Same time, we are ashamed as part of the Nation, still struggling in the clutches of a fragment of society that dominates and destroys the Nation. There has to be a new revolution. A new struggle for Freedom. This fight is not against the miscreants of an external India. This is a fight against the internal thief’s. It is very easy to eliminate an external enemy, but it is very difficult to uproot an “Inte Donga- in Telugu” which means, a thief within the house.

Freedom of Speech -

Yes, I know it is our fundamental right and we Indians, are privileged to this right. But it is only when you don’t hurt the sentiments of your brethren. As a political fiasco, you can talk anything. Refer to Laluji’s English speeches in the Parliament, but if a sensible writer tells the truth., no wonder she is threatened to be jailed…I am referring to none other than Booker Prize winner Arundhati Roy.

Freedom of Revolt-

You have to be a RSS franchise or a Mangalore Babu’s to revolt. You cannot afford to be an ordinary citizen. How many times Medha Patkar had been arrested just because she is fighting for a genuine cause like Narmada Bhacho Andolan? How many times Sunitha Krishnan of Prajwala will be beaten up to death, just because she fights against the brutality of rape victims and rescue small children and women from the involuntary prostitution rackets? Close to 3000 children are rescued by her in the last several years, she being a 15 year old gang raped victim in the past. Why the hell cannot our governments do something about it??

Freedom from Equality-

Yes, I understand we are a secular and socialistic Republic???? But in what sense??? Are we not having a divide of Hindus, Muslims, Christians, right from the way the neighborhoods react to incidents, support and care? Are we not divided in the name of language within every 400 kms of the geographical landscape of the country. I am not talking about the secular freedom of equality. Freedom of equality in terms of how government react to various situations? Example: When a soldier sacrifices himself for the sake of National Security, we give his mother or widow , a medal, no use certificate and 1 lakh rupees and forget. Same way, when a illicit liquor consumer in a remote village dies, his family is also paid 1 lakh rupees and the victim gets a placeholder in the front page of newspapers and becomes a hero! If a cricketer scores 100 runs, he is paid 5 lakh rupees and given adversting revenue, government paid quarters, paid jobs which he never attends and what not? Why the hell I would I encourage my younger generation to ruin their personal lives to preserve our borders and die for our country? How many of our politicians or film stars are sending their kith and kin to fight against terrorism or protect our borders? Are they not eating the bigger piece of the apple pie??????

Freedom from Fear

If a politician is killed, or murdered or even die for natural causes, the whole place is turned like a war zone. People are scared to step out. Worst is when a politician is convicted in a court case, we just don’t know what repercussions will be there around? How can we forget the hard truth of Dharmapuri Bus tragedy, where three college students were burnt alive? Who will bring back those lives to their parents. How many shops were destroyed in Karnataka just because they had their hoarding and boards in English? How many churches were burnt in Kerala in the name of stopping spreading the preaching? Still the traces of the Pastor and his sons being burnt alive in the car remain? The notorious killing of Shivani Bhatnagar, a young journalist who did everything to gain information first hand for Indian Express do not fade our memories. We are still surrounded by Nithari’s and Rathores, and don’t dare to send our young girls alone outside? Where is the Freedom that Gandhi wanted???? To let the women walk with free mind at the midnight…Forget about midnights Babu, now your children cannot even dare do it in broad day light. Are we becoming a sex starved Nation? Are we becoming a Violent provoked society?????

Freedom from Retirement…

Common guys, now don’t take me wrong. You are to retire at the age of 60, if you are Peon, A Teacher, A Professor, A clerk, A Engineer and what not? But stop, you just don’t need to retire at all till your death if you are a politician. For politicians have this unique physical ability to make right decisions, run errands on economic development, do excellent planning, and commendable job on governance and execution and you know what, age is the wisdom factor for running our country. But guess what, to be a nurse or a ayyama in a school, you have to be not older than 60. Yes, you forget your basics to teach or support patients when you are 60, it doesn’t depend on your ability or individual strength. Then, again, for becoming an IAS officer in India, you should not be older than 28, older than 32 if your MBC or SC/ST. But there is no there is no Upper Specification Limit to be a part of the Indian Parliament. So all retired aunts and uncles, out there,, get ready for the next General Election, for that is the only place where you can still work…..

Freedom from rusted judicial system….

Our constitution can only be written once. I agree. We make amendments and pass bills and change provisions as deemed necessary. Thankfully the new Direct Tax Code has some breather for the age old Income Tax Laws of 1960’s…. But are the Laws of the Nation ever amended? Are they not written when people were under control and fear of British Raj. Are they not written keeping the economic and GDP of 1940’s in Mind. Today, one of the most enjoying community of holidays are our lawyers …they have winter sessions holidays, summer and spring holidays…Spring???In India? Ok, may be. Probably, I don’t think any other community of Professional enjoy that big a holiday in a single year….Not even teachers today…For I see the schools making them slog in holidays, correcting papers, preparing study material for next year, working on overall growth and improvement. How can a fine be just Rs.100 for a theft and Rs 5000 for a rape? Does it worry any of them committing those sins? Is there a fear any longer in our verdicts about the way the punishments are given???? Why do we encourage to appeal and appeal ever to high courts. Can you imagine that close 23 death penalties are lying on Madam President’s table for clemency petitions.

Freedom from our own cruel Police Stations
Believe me, I am so scared to enter a police station. Just because I was not able to differentiate between those working there or those brought in there for investigation. They both looked similar in all manners. There could be exceptions and people who are sincere, more approachable, and polite to common man. I have witnessed a sad neighbor who was pulled to a police station after having been found in a drunken state in a local railway station. He was beaten up to death, his family was humiliated, and finally the frustration did never let the youth come out. He passed away few months after that incident. When a stray fire accident happened in my bed room, instead of finding the real culprits, the police dragged two of our lady servants who worked for several years. They showered suspicion everyone in the house too.. When a house was locked for several week, a thief tried to break it, and finally when all neighbors woke up and caught him, he spell the beans. He got the information of the locked house from a policeman who takes rounds in the nights in that area. The deal was to share the booty 30-70. Speechless.

Freedom from Terrorism

In Dec 2008, when I was travelling back from Detroit to India, a co-passenger was so considerate asking if it is safe to travel back to India. I felt sad…terribly sad. I have to fear travelling back to India, my country…and the constant images on the CNN TV in the Airport is the reason…showing images of burning Taj…continuously for the 4th days. Terrorists, Naxals, Moists, Jihad’s and the list goes on. Fear of terror is everywhere. Right from the serial blasts across the cities of Lucknow, Delhi, Pune and Mumbai ….till the struggle of Telengana region and never ending Kashmir menace….no where people feel safe and secure. The shades of terror is wide and vibrant. And victims suffering is endless. We still go easy on Kasab’s and Ajmal’s in the country even after the whole Nation witnessed their atrocities on CCTV and live televisions. Attack of Nation’s Parliament and Attack on Civilians in Mumbai is still cases of further appeal and mercy petitions???? No wonder, we can never curtail terrorism.

Freedom from Corruption

This is not the last, but the giant of factors that we want freedom from. One of my friend yesterday, reported on Face book, that he waited in the queue to get a receipt from Registrar office for Vehicles, and finally he could not get his job done without paying that damn bribe. I did it when I wanted extra copies of birth certificate for my child after running for 4 days, and hearing problems of the employee not being there, printer not working and what not, and everything worked the minute I paid him the “gift”. 16 year old drunken drivers in Mumbai, kids of rich dads, go Scott free after killing hard working day laborers sleeping on the pavements. A old aged lady have to pay for getting her pension clock start after her retirement in the Pension Pay office. Loans get sanctioned without even the supervisor visiting the sites….all for a price. Even for issuing a death certificate to a grieving family, our government office staff don’t function without taking that extra money. I know a Peon working in a commissioner office building a big bungalow in the centre of the city….and that’s because he is the binamy for collecting all these funds for a corporate pool that gets shared at the end of the day – everyday….No wonder, no body shouts or revolt for so low a salaries in the Government offices. For getting an electricity connection, you pay “that” or just be ignored. To get a College admissions, forget mark sheets…think about the ‘Building Fund”…for Professional College Admissions….remember “Capitation fee” , Management Quota, Donations….. and is there anywhere our kids scoring between 70-90 can get proper admissions??? Either your percentage have to be above 90% or your parents bank balances big enough to hold your dreams….Ridiculous. To me Tirumala had been my place of heaven on earth. But somehow, my devotion these days don’t get overboard to venture into this commercial hub now in the name of darshan. There were couple of times, I had to come back without proper darshan , after being victimized with ‘jaragandi, jaragandi’… and now I know to handle this ‘Jaragandi’ lot…the minute , I tuck a Rs 500 in one of the ‘Jurangandi-Move Move’ crew, I will be pulled behind them, and others get victimized for juragandi..and I am given 2 extra minutes to look at the deity, forget about worshiping amidst that mad rush….. I believe my Balaji will understand my plight and still take care of me, if I worship him from a distance, may be from my home Even the medical fraternity is no immune to this…and it is a sad state of affairs…Believe me, even to get justice, you have to bribe in our country and that is the sad part….And once again, I am only talking about small time corruption….for I am a small time writer who cannot dare to write about Mega Scandals and Shameless Scams that ruin my country from moving forward….

I am now tired, of writing this post….There is so many things that we want freedom from,,,like Freedom from Poverty, Freedom from Rich and Poor Divide, Freedom from Glass ceiling, Freedom from Craze of Foreign goods, Freedom from pollution, freedom from traffic…freedom from increasing costs….freedom from adulterated food grains….. and the list is longer than I expected when I started to write. I think freedom from British was much easier!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Experiences in Manufacturing Plants....especially Automobiles!

It was in the last year of my college, we had an opportunity to work as interns in a local factory called Crompton Greaves Igarashi Motors inside MEPZ (Madras Export Processing Zone) near Tambaram Sanitorium.  I was not only excited to earn few extra ruppes to buy books for studing ICWAI, but also to the fact that I am going to have first hand experience of a factory worker.   I had to report to work at 9 am to be taken as a daily wage worker, for a stipend of Rs.75 and a token of Rs.2 for a subsidised lunch inside the factory canteen.   I was longing to get the uniform that other girls on the normal employment used to wear, but the floor supervisor was fine to allow us in casual wear as we were college students.   We used to embark our trains at Tambaram Sanitorium after hanging on the footpath enjoying the metro electric train journey and catch the company vans to reach on time.  We used to undergo a security check and then leave our personal things in a pigeon hut provided and go to the shift on time.   There the fun begins.  
Few girls trained us on how to handle each manufacturing process at a time.  We were training on one activity for the day.  My job was to hold each rotor and put it in the machine that keeps running in circles and take it out with the correct precision of timing...just 10 seconds for each rotor.  CG Igarashi motors used to manufactur micro motors and rotors especially for use in automobiles,  power tools and house hold appliances.   Automobile industry uses close to 90% of its manufacturing output.  
One quality manager explained to me why the precision timing is important to the job I was assigned.  I felt like running away.  For simple reasons that I beleive it creates the circles inside the rotor for every second I hold the rotor in the machine, and cars use these rotos in the door locks.  So if the precision of the rotor is more or less, it creates an extra circle inside the rotor and it is a scrap during the quality check.  And for any reason, it slips and gets into the car manufacturing assembly line, the car itself would be considered having a faulty door locking system and the door assembled will have to be replaced.  For any reason, if it escapes the quality check of the Car Assembly line, a child sitting in the car seat may have a jerk of her or his life, when the car door opens up on drive.  I told the quality manager, that he scared me enough.  But a small mistake during my job that day can have dire consequences is the lesson of the day.    I managed to pull out close 600 routers that day at the end of my 8 hours shift and quality manager pattered me back and said that there were only 2 defects., which is quite common.  I gave the biggest sigh of relief.     At lunch, I chatted with the girls working in the factory for many years.  They were full of life.  I know they jobs were hard and their lives were on toes the whole day.  Especially Gayathri, a girl who worked in the chemical mixing division had a tough task of combining blue color chemical to create a paste kind of thing.   She said, only if that could be automated, her life would be better.  But during lunch, they all giggled, discussed movies, kids and marriages, love affairs,  and commented on an old supervisor.   I found a meaning of hardwork that day.  End of the day, they used to change to their casual clothes, board the train together, buy hot samosas or butter biscuits in the train and disperse.   The food in the canteen was not only nutricious, delicious but also fresh and economical.   I  know that most of the girls working there are not even tenth passouts, but the kind of attention, commitment and liveliness they bring in to the workplace is amazing.  Today after a decade of experience in IT, I still try to find a similar liveliness filled with unconditional acceptance of the quality need, kind of hardwork and commitment somehow missing across the industry.  Not ever one does like the girls in the factory used to do today. 
This manufacturing unit created jobs for semi-educated youth,.especially to more number of women providing employment, self- reliance and confidence.   I only wished more EPZ's are encouraged and give way for creation of more jobs to common people than to only those blue collared high tech workers.

My second experience was again related to manufacturing plant... this time a pure automobile plant of Ashok Leyland Manufacturing and Assembly unit in Ennore.  Experience was quite different from what I experience as a student intern.   As a IT specialist, I had a different challenge.  This time, without knowing I had lot of complaints unlike the girls of CGI.    May be because, we in IT are used to some royal treatment.  Unlike my parents who worked all their lives sitting in wooden chairs with a pedostal fans in office and having racks of paper files pilled with dust and aging around them and a tea walla bring in tea twice a day, we are used to fully airconditioned sophasticated cushion chairs , rolling.  Tea vending machines and full furnished rest rooms.  So when I was assigned to this plant to be on my first "Onsite" model project., no doubt I showed some resistance.  Today after 3 years, I feel bad about it and would surely apologize for my expectations.   But same time, I overcame all my inbuilt insecurities working at a place, close to the borders of Tamil Nadu, dominated by men....what dominated, just filled with men in uniforms.  The only two ladies I used to see in Ashok Leyland Ennore plant were the middle aged receptionists and one day who worked in the ERP and who never spoked to me.    So to see a young IT worker was a feast to all those men, who used to look at me and other 2 girls who joined later in my team as if were are some aliens.  I used to sometimes enjoy the attention and sometimes get frustrated.  It wasnt like a usual IT office where you go in what ever you like to.  I had to wear sandals that dont make noise, wear fully wrapped salwars with duppatas or sarees, no jeans or shirts allowed.   Though it had been my usual way to work, somehow when someone puts that as a protocol or restriction, we restrain...thats nature I guess.  I used to get all respect for the good work from senior IT managers there and they used to respect my punctuality and work.   I used to be the first one to get on board of the car pooling Qualis, and call each one in the line to be ready as we reached near their houses and  get them on boards and with the ongoing construction of Padi Bridge, Anna nagar flyover, Koyembedu trafffic, I used to feel like a conductor of a bus.   My manager used to joke that there is lot of similarity between me and Rajnikanth...somehow, sitting between 6 men in the car, they used to joke on everything on the road, which I failed to see.  They used to giggle saying, after all, its boy's matter!.  
Fun apart, coming to the work at Ennore plant. , there buses and lorries used to be assembled.  known for its eco-friendly engine technology,  and as the largest commercial manufacturing unit in India,  for commercial vehicles that include trucks, buses, emergency vehicles (fire trucks) and militiary vehicles.    They also manufacture and assemble engines for industrial and marine needs.  The factory used to be largest job creator since 1948 when it first started.  Even today, many people look upon the Ennore plant for employment.   Ennore plant also keeps its technology updation on track.  They aim at catering to the modern day needs., provide economical and competitive advantages to their products and aim at quality deliverables.  The scrap garage is a witness on how the company respects quality.  The road test centre opposite to the plant where we used to park our cars, is a sheer joy to witness the first rides of many buses and trucks.  Driving for 4 hours a day to the plant up and down, amidst the Chennai harbour bound trailers wasn't fun always.  We witness so many so road accidents, careless driving, drunken drivers, and eve teasers.  But to us, improving their ERP division and provide IT support was the key agenda and everything around looked small in front of our gigantic task to  be part of the technological revolution happening in the company.  I used to love watching the men, transported in the company provided busess numbered from 1 to many... to all corners of the city.    They used to sleep, sing, talk politics, cinema, families, cooperative society that allowed them to buy provisions and groceries at cheaper rates,  education, IT, and the company's progress.    This wasnt much different from the girls of CGI.   All these men used to work overtime and on holidays when ever possible to earn few extra ruppes... to support their families.   I saw wonderful fathers, brothers and sons in them.   Who are responsibile, consistent and wonderful.  I still remember the day, one Mr.Vaithyanathan who worked in IT Finance came and showed me a Pen he bagged as a token of appreciation for 25 years of service.  To me, it was the day of amazing understanding of being loyal and committed to the organization.   He was so elated that he and his friend got the same in the same function as their families were also welcomed to be part of the function.   They were humble, sinciere, loyal and modest and nothing in par....  And bang came the Dussera celebrations...the whole factory was lighted up in the festive eve... the decorations using paper banners and colors was a feast to the eyes...We were welcomed to the celebration where every machine was worshipped as God on the Ayudha puja day.  I stood spell bound with the beautiful and dedicated singing of NC, their Chief officer who mesmerised the audience with his songs and devotion...not just to the god, but the work they have been doing for years.
I also had a collegue who was named Ashok, just because his dad worked their since his marriage...I had no words
Here too we had the privilege of having the company provided lunch,..along with all their factory workers.  To me those were the best of lunch times, for I used to see the comraderie, sinciere care and consideration to fellow workers, unity amogst them, their participation in the Union and addressing issues, their cooperation to the local adminsitration, their consideration to Nature and waste management discussions.  To some of us today, it is a topic for Speech in AC halls.  But to the ordinary factory worker, it was an every day topic, to be considerate, responsive and reactive to the needs.   And during factory elections, we used to see Obama's there.   Orators who spoke with so much zeal and enthusiam, so much knowledge and understanding of people's problems and needs., constructive thoughts on innovation, technology and expansion projects.   This is what is called grassroots empowerment.  Enablement at the ground level.  Governance at the best.    

These were very transforming experiences and gave me knowledge and awareness that no book or teaching can bring...You have expeirence it, feel it and realize it for better You.    As I travelled from Ennore to Pontiac, another hub of automobile revolution, in midst of Detroit called as the Global Automobile city, I had more experiences that gave me better insights of manufacturing plants.  Will write my thoughts and experiences in the GM plants in my next post...till then, thanks for reading

Why Manufacturing is Important for any Economy's Growth?

Today, the biggest challenge of Super Powers like USA and UK, are the declining trend of their manufacturing and assembly facilities.   Same time, Countries like China, India and Brazil have their drivers as Manufacturing Industries.  Today, China seems to be the single largest nation termed as the "Manufacturing Hub of the world" and there are very large amount of products manufacturing only in China today.   90% of computer and laptop parts are produced in China.  70% of world's subsidiary and ancillary production is happening  in China and India.   Yet the irony is that these countries are still to get into the spectrum of realistic development coined with the people's growth inside the countries.  But surely in the next few years and less than a decade.. these countries will enrich in to the global trajectory of growth as Economic Super Powers.  
Amidst all the hype of media and acceptance of world Nations, both India and China have a long way to go in terms of internal improvements, creating a greater infrastructure, taking the innovation and human intelligence to new parlance, and promote agricultural revolution and industrialization at grass roots.  Export is not the only key to the growth of the country.   Doing away with the greater disparity between Rich and Poor, overcoming Poverty and unemployment,  creating a harmonious society away from the turbulence's created in the name of language and religion,  and strong control on the local governance free of political corruption have to be brought to the front burner to make these countries sustain their transforming economic growth.  
Today, as a Nation, we have challenges of large scale corruption, political power play, rural and urban divide and still existing unemployment and education needs.  Despite all the challenges, today the human intelligence of India have widespread and created jobs across the globe.   The reason behind being the manufacturing potential of India and China.  Yet, there is a long way to go to sustain indigenous products, create a reverse brain drain that can bring in technical competence to build our own scientific and advance nuclear machinery and airplanes that will put India at par with other advanced nations.    The nation have to address the infrastructural needs, which in turn would create manufacturing needs and accelerate the growth of the country in the right direction..   
This is a sure chain reaction.   Export is a blessing and export creates manufacturing needs providing quality and competitive production houses.   These production houses create technology and innovation., and create jobs for the education urban lot.  The penetration of the growth to rural areas is the only solution to combat the increasing struggles of urban population in terms of housing, infrastructure, transportation and sustainability.  So cities expand creating more housing needs, creating transportation needs and bringing in more opportunities to expand our railways, roadways and industrialization.   Mariamalainagar near Chennai is classic example of how the manufacturing would pave to expansion of cities and bring in larger transformation.    These increase the need of indigenous industries that caters to the needs of steel, cement and wood, paints, and labour.   Construction industry grows.  With increased transportation needs, the need to build buses and trains grows.  Slowly the movement of population from rural to semi-urban areas start to meet the demands and needs.  This increases potential increase of opportunities of good education to rural students and bring in a change.   There is equal needs to build schools and roads in rural India.  As corporates expand outside the cities, they adopt villages to lay roads and provide voluntary services like evening education, mobile health facilities, awareness to combat social issues  and bring in a dynamic awareness.   The need for sustainable food facilities and self-reliance emerges to combat the growing cost of living expenses.    This brings in a need to encourage farmers to use technology in agriculture, promote agriculture with the cooperative society and government help.   The backbone of the Nation is Agriculture and it sustains from perishing.  Farmers need education and awareness to manage crops damage, creation of integrated water systems and this creates a need to bring in a Nehruvian policy of building dams and reservoirs, there again creating a job market.   Self-reliance in food grains and agriculture growth paves way for people to invest in education and technological revolution...there by significantly impacting the economic well being at grass roots. 
The bottom line, is every Nation should create a need for growth of the manufacturing facilities, at the same time, transfer the bit of growth and combined energies to the grass roots of the Nation, then alone, the Nation can be called a Developed One.   It is not multi-storied building of metroes that would make a Nation developed, it is the common man's struggle finding an end and ease towards better living and people of these countries free themselves from the political fiasco and power play, and are able to live a decent and uplifted lives.  Then alone, we can be called DEVELOPED.   So, it is the time to invest and energize our manufacturing plants and factories and spread their growth to the grassroots of the Nation. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Atomic Model of Silver

After spending hours of a weekend to come up with my daugther's school project- to create a Atomic Model of Silver, I thought this would be helpful to lot more mothers out there looking for some ideas to create any such model


Silver is a metallic chemical elements found by man in the ancient civilization. The discovery year and location are unknown as it is ancient to mankind. The name originates from the old English word seolfor (silver) and symbol from the Latin word argentums (silver) . Silver is widely used as jewelry, in photography and as an electrical conductor. A soft, white, lustrous transition metal, it has the highest electrical conductivity of any element and the highest thermal conductivity of any metal. The metal occurs naturally in its pure, free form (native silver), as an alloy with gold and other metals, and in minerals such as argentite and Chlorargyrite. Most silver is produced as a by-product of copper, gold, lead, and zinc refining.

Basic Information- Atomic Model of Silver

 Chemical Symbol: Ag

 Atomic Number: 47

 Atomic Weight/Mass: 107.8682 amu

 Standard State: Solid, at 298 Degrees Kelvin ( 77 degrees Fahrenheit )

 CAS ID: 7440-22-4

 Group Number: 11

 Class: Metal, Transition

 Melting Point of Silver: 961.93 °C

 Boiling Point of Silver: 2,212.0 °C

Atomic Structure of Silver

 Number of Protons & Electrons: 47

 Number of Neutrons: 61

 Crystal Structure of Silver: Cubic ( face-centered )

 Density @ 293 K: 10.5 g/cm3

 Atomization: 284.09 kJ mol-1

 Fusion: 11.3 kJ mol-1

 Vaporization: 257.7 kJ mol-1

 Molar volume: 10.335 cm3 mol-1

 Electrical resistivity: 1.59 ยต-ohms/cm

 Thermal conductivity: 429.0 W / m / K

 Mass magnetic susceptibility: -2.27e-9

 Number of Energy Levels/Valence Shells: 5

 Ground state electron configuration: 4d10 5s1

Silver Atom and its orbits

The silver atom has 5 electron orbits (energy levels) with a total of 47 electrons. Beginning with the orbit closest to the nucleus and working outward, the number of electrons per orbit should be: 2, 8, 18, 18, 1. Of course, the nucleus contains 47 protons and 61 neutrons.

Silver Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( Nuclide 107 ): Frequency: 4.046 MHz ( Ag+ )

Silver Incompatibilities:

Acetylene, Ammonia, Hydrogen Peroxide, Bromoazide, Chlorine Trifluoride, Ethyleneimine, Oxalic Acid, Tartaric Acid


Silver has long been valued as a precious metal, and it is used to make ornaments, jewelry, high-value tableware, utensils (hence the term silverware), and currency coins. Today, silver metal is also used in electrical contacts and conductors, in mirrors and in catalysis of chemical reactions. Its compounds are used in photographic film and dilute silver nitrate solutions and other silver compounds are used as disinfectants and micro biocides. While many medical antimicrobial uses of silver have been supplanted by antibiotics, further research into clinical potential continues.

****Now comes the Process for Making Atomic Model of Silver ******

1) Make the inner circle of by bending the wire (about 5 inches Diameter). Connect the wire ends together to complete the circle with small piece of wire. Best is to get a metal circle available in the market.

2) Count out 47 of the silver beads and set aside.
3) Next make the 5 outer circles or orbits as they are called. (Or you can buy an circled object as shown in the picture)

4) You will need one of each of the following diameters 6 inch, 7 inch, 8 inch, 9 inch, 10 inch. Don’t tape the ends together yet to complete the circles. Just bend them for now to make the basic circle size.
5) String 2 sliver beads on the 5 inch circle (First Energy Level) and tape ends together. String 8 sliver beads on the 6 inch circle (Second Energy Level) and tape ends together. String 18 sliver beads on the 7 inch circle (Third Energy level) and tape ends together. String 18 sliver beads on the 8 inch circle (Fourth Energy Level) and tape ends together. String 1 sliver bead on the 9 inch circle and tape ends together.

6) Doing one circle at a time, arrange the beads in pairs of 2 and spread out along the wire circles. Tie the beads in place so the sticks to the wire. Give one last check to make sure the beads and grouped and spread like the in picture

7) After the beads are stuck in place, you need to use some more wire to connect the orbital circles together if they are not already connected. Cut three straight wires slightly over 1 inch for each circle. Make sure the straight wires are the same size!

8) Starting with the center 5 inch inner circle, use a small strip of the silver or black duct tape to connect the 5 inch circle to the 6 inch circle using three straight pieces of wire (stagger them to make is stable).

9) Repeat the connecting process of the other rings.

10) After all the rings are attached. Use a sharpie or small bottle of model paint to mark a negative sign “-“ on each bead as in the picture. These 47 beads are negatively charged electrons!

11) Take the center of the circles with a circle object and insert 47 same color beads for Protons and 61 same color beads for Neutrons and connect it to the 5 orbits or to the stand of the atomic model.
12) Attach some strings for hanging and place the object on the stand as shown in the picture.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Poetry Chain Started....Da Rain, Da Heart!

Da Rain, Da Heart!
Da Rain...Midst the warm winds of showers!
Into the paradomic rainfall of tears
The woman in a vulnerable trans little home
Awaiting that one hand, to rescue and solace
Da Home, Da Heart, will you be mine
To make HER feel warm, calm and fine?!

Where is the woman looking for sunshine
Looking for the solace in the tears of moon
Da home , Da heart will always be fine......
B' cause you are always mine..

I come to thee, oh lady!
A bright and shining beam;
Amidst the deep dark sky
Go ahead! Dare to dream……

we rejoice, the victory of creation
the woman in me, thy renunciation
Yet, begetting all the traumas of the world
I cry in silence as the seasons unfold....

Da Rain...Midst the warm winds of showers!
Into the paradomic rainfall of tears
The woman in a vulnerable trans little home
Awaiting that one hand, to rescue and solace

Da Home, Da Heart, will you be mine
To make HER feel warm, calm and fine?!

The nip is in the air
The smoke and dust is thick
Another winter morning
The city is quiet
A feeling of gripping restlessness
(Mita's line)

Across the smoky mountains
I heard the Winter breeze
Yet behind those tempting brooks
I could see the Sun Shine Again
Letting me shout aloud
...The City has to awaken again!
.....thanks to Manasi, Mita and Sharmila, my friends who added lines to these verses:-)....I will update as the chain continues....