Monday, May 27, 2024

Wilted Flower - that touches your soul!


In the garden's quiet breath, a wilted flower lay,

Petals soft as whispers, turned to dust and grey.

Once it bloomed in splendour, kissed by morning dew,

Now it bows in silence, its vibrant days through.

Memories of sunlight, dance in faded hues,

A silent testament, to beauty's fleeting muse.

Roots still cling to earth, where dreams took flight,

Yet seasons change, and shadows steal the light.

In its tender sorrow, echoes of the past,

The wilted flower speaks, a tale that will last.

In the heart's deep garden, where time's river flows,

Even wilted flowers, can touch the soul that knows.

- Umasree Raghunath

Monday, May 13, 2024

Poem: You are my heartbeat

 In the rhythm of life, a melody sweet,

You are my heartbeat, a cadence complete.
In every pulse, your name softly repeats,
A symphony of love, where our souls meet.

Through highs and lows, in joy and strife,
You are the essence, the pulse of my life.
With each throb, a whisper, soft and discreet,
You are my heartbeat, a love so replete.

In the dance of emotions, a pulsating rhyme,
You are the reason, the heartbeat of time.
With every flutter, a story unfolds,
In the language of pulses, our love molds.

In sync with the universe, a cosmic feat,
You are my heartbeat, a love so sweet.
With every palpitation, a tale to tell,
In the heart's embrace, where emotions swell.

Like a constant rhythm, in love's retreat,
You are my heartbeat, an eternal feat.
In the quiet chambers where emotions seep,
You are my rhythm, my heart's heartbeat.

Through the silence, in the echoes deep,
You are my heartbeat, in love's keep.
In the echo of our love, forever complete,
You are my heartbeat, my soul's heartbeat.