Thursday, September 25, 2008

All work, no play on Workaholics Day

An Extract from IBN Live- A lesson for all of us who are doing nothing but burying ourselves in our workstations:

'All work and no play’ is slowly turning India into a developed nation. Or is it? Is that enough reason for workaholics to burn the candle on both the ends?
Here's a look at the perils of being obsessed with work on Workaholics Day.
W E Oates claims to have invented the term workaholism in his 1971 book, Confessions of a Workaholic, when he defined it as an addiction to work, the compulsion or the uncontrollable need to work incessantly'.
When careers become more than just a means to supply families with necessities and luxuries and when work becomes the sole aim and purpose of life, then it could be time to take a break.
Most people work to earn a living and for others, work gives them a role, a status and a sense of achievement. However, respect, money - the things people crave at workplaces - sometimes cannot compensate for happiness and a stress-free life.
Many 'get a life' propagandists see the office as an enemy and emphasise on the fact that more time has to be allowed for family, friends and other interests.
There is nothing wrong with being a hard worker, but there is fine line in just being a hard worker and being obsessed with the need to excel, be a perfectionist (with a competitive nature) – all in a compulsive drive to gain approval and success – and work soon becomes a state of mind.
However, the fact of the matter is that most workaholics are never really happy or for that matter successful, simply because they work themselves to a point of burnout and then some more.
Among the industrialised nations in the world, Americans work the longest hours - a whopping nine weeks (roughly 350 hours) more in a year than Eurpoeans.
The American way of life is to always strive for more, but stress and overwork can lead to all sorts of problems - anxiety for one. Workaholics find it difficult to relax, take holidays or even some time off everyday for leisure.
Some years ago, being called a workaholic was considered a compliment. In the 21st century, however, the term has taken on a completely different connotation and is being seen as an obsession that can wreak havoc on a person's health, marriage and personal life.
Workaholism can also lead to tiredness and ultimately to chronic fatigue.
Therapists stress on the fact that the first way to cure 'workaholism' is to accept the fact that one is a workaholic.
So how do you know if you are a self-motivated, success-driven, hard worker or a plain old workaholic? Take a look at these questions.
Do you carry your work home?
Do you prefer working alone, cannot delegate tasks and have a habit of talking fast and interrupting people?
Your happiness is in only your work?
Work takes over all your leisure time and even comes before family and friends? You have no social life outside of work?
You do not take vacations and when you do, you carry your work?
You get upset when people suggest you cut down on your work?
Work is on your mind all the time and you are stressed - both mentally and physically - because of work?
If you answered yes to most or all of the questions, then you are a workaholic. Beating the need to work too hard all the time can be tough but therapists say it's important to get out of the syndrome.
Start slowly, spending 15 minutes everyday to unwind and relax and then increase this time little by little. Take small steps in making a concentrated effort to meet up with family and friends.
Set limits on the hours and the attention that you devote to your job. Try and delegate tasks and focus on results rather than on the hours put in at work.
Consult a therapist if you need to discuss insecurities such as failure at the workplace.

1 comment:

  1. Uma

    You definetly have a flair for writing and the way you write your blog is so wonderful.
    coming to the topic of this posting, in India, people sit late and work claiming that there is so much work that they dont get to go home early. But is it the real truth. Not all times, does your work place require that much of work. Most of the times, it is that you waste your time here and there thinking that you can always catch up after the work hours or feel that the calm and quiet after the work hours, you can finish the same work faster. personally I feel if a person is working continously for more than 10 hours a day, all through the year, then that person's efficiency has to be questioned
