Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What made her get killed? Shivani Bhatnagar- An aspiring journalist of Young India

Remember me as a child holding a fake mike and taking interviews of the people around me, sometimes asking them embarrassing questions that adults find difficult to answer. That was my passion for journalism. Unfortunately I could not make a career there but always kept watching the best of reporters and news readers with great enthusiasm.
24 January 1999, all the newspapers flashed the sensational murder of Shivani Bhatnagar, journalist of Indian Express in her Delhi flat. She was strangled to death and her months old child was crying few feet away from her dead body. The news created a biggest sensation during that time. Slowly and steadily the cases started to unfold. Bringing under its ambit a senior Delhi police officer Mr.Sharma and later gossips that linked Mr.Pramod Mahajan. The murder almost upset the political applecart of BJP and shook the Nation with new questions.
It took almost 9 years for the accused to be booked under the right sections of law and face the punishment. Lot of things changed and re vibrated during the course of this case.
Major questions that rocked the Nation:
How safe is the journalism in India for women reporters? Is it the profession or the behaviour of the person that caused the tragedy...
Why did Shivani had to go beyond her personal ethics and end up in unwanted relationships to achieve her professional objectives?
Can the Nation's most confidential information be leaked to print media or others because a woman can woo a top most person in politics or police or other areas?
Was it the extra-marital affair that was the root cause for her killing?
How can a police officer so carefully plan a murder and also get away with it for 3 years absconding?
Lessons to be learnt from this case!
Be it a woman or a man, you do not need to loose your personal ethics to achieve your professional objectives.
You may be anything big in this world, but remember every dog has its day and the culprits will be booked. Justice can be delayed but cannot be denied in the eyes of Law.

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