Saturday, November 22, 2008


Excellence! You are excellent. As I kept hearing this word many times this year than never before, I was wondering what it actually means. What makes some one excellent or something of excellence? Is there a boundary on which an excellence is decided? Is there a way that people perceive a thing and rate it as excellent? There are numerous questions that flooded my thoughts.
Excellence is Exceeding Expectations.
Yes, Excellence is doing more than what is expected in a positive way, towards betterment and growth.... I expect 1000 bags of rice to be produced this year in my farm, but I manage to produce 1500 bags exceeding expectations...that's my excellence.
Excellence is a continuous process.
Once you are excellent, it becomes your standard, and you have no choice than to make it a continuous process. In my above example, now my standard and expectation will be 1500 bags of produce... and I don't have a choice to come down the same..means I have now set a new example of myself.
Excellence is a journey not a destination
If you are excellent and forget being excellent always, you would soon become a history, and get dissolved in the pages of time. New ways and means to be discovered to keep this process is a continuous journey. Never a destination
Excellence is an ongoing challenge.
The challenge is being a competition to yourself and to others. You should sharpen your axe from time to time to keep in pace with the changes around you. Identifying the strengths of your competitors and enabling yourself to equip to win over them makes you a tough person.
Excellence is a combination of all virtues
Hard work, Perseverance, Innovation, Approachability, Inter-Personal skills, Communication, Visibility, Perfection in work, deliverable on time, commitments to customers honoured, balancing your personal and professional lives, constructive education, team work, motivating others, continuous learning process, contribution to society, aspiring for growth and daring to dream new things and work towards it, entertaining your hobbies and refreshing yourself to new challenges and hold upon your loyalty, sincerity, and integrity to the organization and yourself, providing adequate attention to your family and friends, taking time off to be on your own, and above all Faith and Faith in your possibilities and the sustain supreme power beyond us, makes us Excellent!!! Yes , Par Excellence!!!

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