Friday, December 19, 2008

Sculpturing a stone to a success story...

Many a time, lot of things in this world go meaningless and value less, just because they dont happen at the right time, at the right place and with the right people. Lot of talent goes unnoticed because they dont know the way of right exposure. Lot of experience go useless without others learning from it. Lot of efforts result in no visible changes or profits or making a difference. Why does this happen? And how often does this happen. It can happen to anyone, any time and any where. What makes the change? How come some people experience a difference in life? When they find that something called "Right" in all aspects.

There is an inspiring story of two people - simple friends who did simple things in an extra ordinary way. They did not do different things, but did things differently from others around them. A decade of perservarance, warmth and unchanged understanding and equivilibrium of thougts to grow in life. They still remain simple friends who fight, who laugh together and who cry together for ups and downs in life.
It was the beginning of their careers, simple and small pay jobs that kept their kitchen fires running. A small moped that helped them shuttle to office. She used to help him fuel that little vehicle and he used to pool her to office, to avoid the atrocities of heavily crowded city buses, and protecting her from the men who are still meaner in their behaviours in the buses. He used to help her by training during lunch and after office hours on technology that she never understood completely. She used to listen to his classes and suggest improvements. 3 years went off by the time, the little office they worked, had its shutters closed. Just 5 collegues and 3 best friends emerged. First birthday of her child celebrated with the sponsered money from him. She rushed with her last few hundreds to help him take his wife for a surgery. Life unfolded by each other helping in times of need and still managing to look at being something big in the future.

From there they had to take different paths in career, but still remained together in life, with the same care and concern, love and affection. There emerged two interdependent families.

With a huge joint family, little child, sick husband then and a demanding job at a call centre, she shouted at him, when he proposed her to start taking up an MBA course. Finally his cause won. She gave him a direction to move from a training institute to a software career, a dream that he dreamt from his Anna University days as a trainee and student. From then, nothing made them look back.

People looked at them with envy. With always a wrong intention but they never bothered about what others think. What mattered to them was their growth, their children, their families and future. For that if they had to spend time together everyday, they did it. They did not regret for the false looks they had just because its a married man moving with another married woman. Society looks upon you and puts you down, only if there is something for which you should be guilty of. As long as there is no such wrong notions between them, I think that made them never ever bother about all this scrap of the dirty minds. A pious friendship, a carefilled relationship and fathomless affection. Together they toiled towards their growth, worked unearthly hours, shared beautiful thoughts and all good wishes, equally handled issues and troubles on the way, stood besides each other when trauma stuck and started to realise their dreams. Building a success story from scrap is a tiring process, but with someone's faith and confidence, nothing is impossible in this world. Today they inspire youngsters like them to aim big and move forward what ever may be the circumstances. Especially he doesnt give lectures like she does, but his sets examples by his actions. She is an orator and a writer who I think inspires people around. Today she and her husband regard him as one in their family, nothing happens without him at home. His family gets elited with them around. Now they chase each other to grow further big, leaving behind all the tragedies of poverty, vulnerability, fears and insecurities.

Moral of the story: A stone is just a stone unless its in the right sculptures hand.
Bottomline: That is Krishnan Vadivel for me! My Mentor, Guide and a Best Friend.

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