Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jobs melting down - 80000 jobs world wide hit on a single day

Jobs melting down - 80000 jobs world wide hit on a single dayIt makes us feel scary. Creating a sense of insecurity on what we hold and what we dream to build around us in our careers. Nothing is certain in this world today. One side we are fighting for rather silly things in the name of religion, culture and tradition, where the world is struggling today to make both ends meet. Millions of people are suffering from lack of proper food, shelter and clothing. Some parts of the world are struggling to cope up with the man-made wars, throwing civilians and innocent borders to risk and helplessness. Some parts of the world is continiously getting hit by earthquakes and floods, wild winds and unbearable cold still the countries trying to retain a calm and composed state of affairs. Thousands of people are going homeless not being able to pay the homeloans and other debts. There are thousand other things that are making our life globally difficult and miserable. The global forum of Financial experts are meeting in Swizterland this week to discuss how to curtail the impact of this global recession on the common man. Companies are struggling to make the overheads meet. People are struggling to keep up their performances and contributions so that they have they jobs secured. One side sports and arts are flourshing, and another side industry and agriculture is getting a hit. We can live without sports and arts, but I doubt if the world can run its wheels smoothly without core indigenous industry, banks, and agriculture surviving adversities of today. Major portion of the export markets that are struggling are not just steel, power, minerals or fuel, what is at stake include pharmacetuical companies, food exporters and education systems. Indian parents whose children are studying abroad are struggling more without much of employment opportunities supporting the children overseas. On the other hand, Pravasa Bharathiya concept is gaining momentum. Its the time for actual action by the economists and leaders of this Nation. Not to lose the strength of our fundamentals as reinterated by Prannay Roy in the thoughtful speech during the Indian of the Year awards function this month. Its time each one of us feel the need for a cautious handling of things around us, be it money, people or work. Unless and until we exercise strong strategic changes in the way we deal on our business goals, and work hard towards the much changed but possible way, there is less that we would be able to control under current circumstances. Instead of worrying about the tigers that may come, it is the right time to secure our caves from attacks. Nothing but a small old story of our childhood to make us think!!! This time towards a positive end.

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