Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Miss you Micheal Jackson

Since the morning of 25th June 2009, I have been under a kind of a writer's block...for there are mixed emotions from the time I saw Reena's SMS about MJ's death. Micheal had been part of my teenage and very much there creating a wave of hope on where the lyrics can take a person one day.. Every song he sang had an in depth meaning, a message, ardent devotion, an intricate human emotion. Every move had shown what a talent can achieve, vibrate the very essence of humanity, bring in a bondage and many things beyond expression. Those were the days when MTv mania was strong and thanks to my friend Vinodhini who introduced me to MJ's mystical world of music.

What else could be a testimony of my passion for his lyrics and songs, as a poet myself and an ardent music lover,, that brought me back to US a day before his final journey. Micheal Jackson. He is no more..But his legendary music will mystically entertain generations to come. A life more controversial, trails and trauma, hurt and disguise is part of any celebrity life. Beyond this layer of frustration and agony, pain and loneliness, there was an innocent soul ardently searching for care and love. Wanting to give back love beyond imagination, back to the world. And to his children. Of course he did do it with grace. Here is my tribute to MJ- the Planet's most best entertainer during his times:-)
You are beyond joy and sorrow
Have left the love for tomorrow
You shined like an unknown star
and travelled sadly to shores afar
MJ is not just an singer's name
its the synonym for real talent and fame
You have been an inspiration
bringing in an in depth passion
Of bringing back childhood that's lost
making every day relive the golden past
Agony of getting subjected to reality
of the vulnerable moments in atrocity
beyond all the gulf of pain and tears
stood the shining star with inner fears
You are just not gone
For with every song, you are reborn
You are Just what you are!
Incredible Micheal Jackson!
The son of God, in his own way!
No one is perfect, and who am I
to judge your beyond the curtains eye
Just love what you gave to the world
your love and peace to heal the World!!!
Thank you Micheal for the music you gave to this world that will live for ever!!!

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