Monday, January 18, 2010

Law of Attraction

From my childhood, I used to be so fond of guessing things, and getting glad when they happen....slowly this syndrome became a sixth sense and an intuition kind.. and what ever I strongly thought or dreamt started to happen...sometimes, negative things also started to show up startling me endlessly.... but everytime, there was also a courage that emerged, a confidence that is built within and a faith that surmounted all difficulties...Last 3 years, I have been thinking alot about the goals, the larger than life dreams and ambitions that sometime astround my ownself, and unbelievably, some where some thing supported to make these proportion less ambitions also materialize.... some happened just as I kept thinking, some happened slowly over the years...but the end result, it happen...
Yesterday watching the video on the SECRET of SUCCESS...and the Law of Attraction, I discovered what I had been going through all these years...I have been attracting my own circumstances and situations. I have been attracting negatives things giving it lot of thinking of not wanting it... I have been slowly ignoring unnecessary things and keep them away from my thought process and slowly all unpleasantness started to fade away............lot of positive energy, lot of goodness, lot of confidence started to grow from this positive thinking. I do look back on the past, the history, but I stopped carrying the baggage like leaving the garbage at the door, and just taking with me the most important lessons learnt in the hardest way possible.
As I started to be positive, good to people, I gained lot of good people in my life, I dreamt big, and started to slowly feel that happening.... I started to give back to the world simple little things that made me feel contented and fulfilled. I have learned immense knowledge and gained unmeasurable wealth of understanding the universe.... Yes, the fact that Universe says "Your Wish is My Command" is very true. What you think, you perceive. What you ask, you believe is what you get. How truthful... 1% of the world's populations who are successful and possess the 90% of this world's wealth are the people who know this secret for success. Transforming difficulties as opportunities, learnings as stepping stones, failures as lessons learned and move forward are the people who succeed...

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