Thursday, July 15, 2010

Finally Rupee Joins the Elite Club of Currency Symbols

As one of the early blogger and also an initial contestant who submitted my entry on the Indian Rupee Symbol, I am delighted. 

My currency finally has a global face value. Wow... The symbol really looks good despite the controversial statements that went into the discussion on the selection process. Anti-Hindi states may also dislike the new symbol. But the fact is that it is now formal. Easy to adopt. Will find a place on the keyboards may be in the next 2 years. Close to 6 months down the lane, all official communication of the Indian Administration will have this symbol just like $ or any other elite currency.

With the growing economic advancement of India, sooner, I am sure we will also join the elite club of World Nations called as Developed Nations, if not at least as a Developed Economy.   Sooner a day would dawn in the history of India, where valuing its conversion rate against many other global economies would be to the beneficial to the Nation and its citizens.   Also wish this trend would initiate and further provoke  a reverse brain drain to India, bringing back its intellectual strength like never before.  

This is certainly a prideful moment to all of us, for having taken the step to gain our own recognition amongst world economies.  We as Citizens of India, do not only hold this pride, but also our equal responsibility in the upliftment of our brethren in India, eliminate poverty, bring in more prosperity, marvelling scientific and nuclear ability, creating a much dominated  brilliance, energized and educated India, that would surely stand tall with its core ingredients of Unity in diversity, cultural tolerance and secular fabric of the Nation. 

It is the moment, where Swami Vivekananda's worlds in Chicago in 1893 still echos...with the same pride and wisdom..."As the different streams having their sources in different paths which men take through different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to Thee."    This is a small step towards our greater achievements as an emerging World Economical Super Power!!!  Jai Hind!  Jai Ho!!!

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