Wednesday, June 8, 2011

After a period of hybernation....looking back at my journal...myself I guess!

It had been quite a hectic 2  months with overwhelming activities on both personal and profession front....looking back last 60 good had been nothing less than hectic.  My son Ajay, hate to call him nephew and my mom visited us for 6 weeks from India.. and my sister Jai and my little son Akshat for 4 days from Canada..had loads of fun and family time....2 kids birthday parties..Office moved to a new location 25 miles away from home, making it a 100 miles shuttle for Raghu to drop and pick.... planned sightseeing, guess we covered the most of the California in and around Los Angeles ....breaking all odds..Aishu's final exams that one side kept me to keep track of her homeworks, assignments, projects, and preparation and 2 award ceremonies.  Forgot about my diabetes and gym for a while, and finally at the end of a long run of 12-14 hours of day at work, average 2 hours of going around every day., and loading of full cooking and running errands, I guess lot did to me for good than my gym and medication.,.....losing 13 pounds in a month..amazing, I  am sure my doc would be happy.    And now the relocation plans closer to office is not keeping me any time bored! and above all a new boss, hectic project schedules, aishu's demanding holiday summer plans....  Amidst all this I missed my poetry, blog, friends and movie time on saturday nights..didnt have time to talk to my all times friends who I keep in touch every day.  .Hope slowly I would get back to  my routines of meditation,  self-help and lots of other stuff that keeps me on toes always.  Sometimes I wonder how our brains manage this multi tasking and body cooperates so spontaneously,.  as along as all is well, no complains.!

Back of my mind, the topics to write about the most hot topics in India, how America managed to nail down Osama and how we still let Kasab lead secured and happy protected life in India,  kept on bothering me.   Interestingly Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev fasts and the rythm of India against corruption makes me feel I am missing  India at the right time.  Having been a short time crusader, against simple injustices around, I know the cause is big and concerns are widespread.  

It was in 2004, in one of the Rotary Meetings, I met Kanimozhi when she was a chief guest...she was so humble, smiling, sweet and very down to earth.   In 7 years she rose to sudden political stardom and a equally sudden fall.   The innocence of a young woman who always adored poetry and tamil literature is no  more innocent...She is behind the wheels of the biggest wagon of corruption.  They costed a loss to exchequer worth of 1.7k crores same time dwindling around a bigger portion of it to was in 2006 when Vijaya Thayaban, a fellow inner wheel member and friend lost election against Arcot Veeraswamy and joined DMK later., and because of her IWC of MS, had the privilege to invite DMK leaders to our club came Kani and Poongothai Alladi Aruna.  Dr Aruna is an amazing woman politician of the next gen politics who talks down to earth when needed. 

Another thing that didnt let me sleep last night was the bus tragedy near kanchipuram where 22 innocent lives were snatched in the fire that swallowed the KPN bus.  Having travelled in KPN many times in those sleeper coaches, it was so hurting to see this happen.  May god rest their souls in peace!

Reading Sarada akka's blog after long time and a motivating post, made me smile and look back at my blog.   Now finally, took up another 500 pieces of jigsaw puzzle which I aim to complete as time permits!....lets see!

1 comment:

  1. Simply Brilliant! I am so thrilled this is produced as a written piece, the web-cast was great!
