Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Last Words- Biding Adieu to India's Most Cherished Communication - Good Bye Telegrams

As a child, in schools we were taught, how to write TELEGRAMS.   Later when the tragedy shook us on a fateful winter morning, all I could do is rush to the nearby post office with my dad's diary and fill the blocks of the telegram receipt papers....FATHER SAMPATH KUMAR EXPIRED.    I sent close to 12 telegrams that day in 1992 which made my relatives arrive on time for his funeral.  

Thanks to Amul for this beautiful tribute in its own way:-)

Today, when the same communication channel is having its d-day, I feel nostalgic and sentimental.  I have not used the service for several years now, but the typing of 100 used to send us a Greeting Telegram or a Condolence message by typing another number.  This messaging system was the ancient SMS format., bringing in good and bad news to everyone in India.  After 163 years of being in service, the oldest system is now laid to rest.  ....leaving behind several memories of the forgotten service.  With the advent of cell phones, emails and instant messaging on social media, news is now not awaited anymore, its pushed to us by force.

The system still in use in ARMY where the soldiers still do not have an amicable network for communications, know the value better.   People residing abroad relied mostly on this service to show as proof of requests to travel back to their mother land on emergencies or to apply leave.  The court orders were sent by telegrams and communicated for quicker action from post offices.  No wonder soon the postal services would also see the advent of closure.....I only fear that a day is nearing where we can say 'Postman is no more knocking'
Greetings that would stop from July 15th 2013

People used to preserve the telegrams that carried good news like a child birth or a marriage for years.  In this digital era, this became a thing of the past.  Nothing is constant than the change in this world and this goes to our TELEGRAMS also as they go into the pages of history leaving behind the footprints of an wonderful communication services that brought both smiles and tears to millions who used it for years.

Bid Adieu my friend in need-  Good bye!

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