Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What is Process Behaviour Analysis?

 Process behavior analysis includes

  1. Variations 
    1. Common cause variation
    2. Exception causes
    3. Upper limited - Upper natural process limit - UNPL
    4. Lower Limit- Lower natural process limit - LNPL
    5. Date Points 
      1. Mean - Green : UNPL and LNPL
      2. Voice of process higher than UNPL
      3. Voice of Customer 
      4. Moving Range - standard deviation - difference between 2 consecutive data points
      5. UNPL = Mean + 2.66 * MR  (Moving Range)
      6. LNPL=  Mean- 2.66 * MR Average
    6. Exceptions to variations 
      1. Outside natural process limits
      2. Consecutive run of 8 points below or above the average
      3. Trends - Up or Down with 6 consecutive increase or decrease
      4. Non-random behavior
    7. Field and Forum approach for implementation of Global Delivery Framework
      1. Depends on Change Agent
      2. Engagement Management
      3. Associates
      4. Values Stream Maps - Source and flow of work identified.  Identify time motion change with non value adds 
      5. All these would be deployment team
      6. Mid implementation review by core teams (MIR)
    8. MIR representation where we are where we are to be?
    9. Inflate transition for implementation with second approach
    10. Commercial approach for transition
    11. CAB Cadence by core team

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