Sunday, November 24, 2013

4 Types of Leaders- Which Type are you?

WE see leaders all around us...Be it the political landscape  of the country, board rooms of the Corporate's or spiritual or inspirational platforms.  Leaders are said to be born and further become very influential leaders who become change agents.  They earn respect, command power,  influence decisions, make new missions and sometimes create larger revolutions.   

 Every civilization evolved with a great leader behind it.  Every freedom struggle or great achievements happened with a front runner who lead the masses towards a greater changes in human endeavors.  However, from a management perspective, leaders will fall under one of the 4 types of leaders and it this categorizations defines the kind of leadership and purpose.

4 Types of Leaders

1. Executors
2. Managers
3. Sellers
4. Technical Leaders


Executors basically are the one of the best leaders in the world.  They lead by example.  They have a definitive motive and work meticulously towards the same till they achieve.  Some forms of leadership styles may include coercion, power, influence, or even non-violence.  Mahatma Gandhi is said to belong to this category of leaders.  People get influenced strongly towards the objective of leader and follow for a purpose.  Executors basically get their own set of followers and emerge as winners in the cause.  The momentum remains the same once the leader is able to set the path. These leaders have strong influence on their teams and goals.


Managers are typical leaders who follow stereo type tasks of management and routine work controls.  They work in a sequence towards progression with already set goals and business objectives. Most of the managers influence the teams by effective management and approach-ability, recognition and manage and control roles and responsibilities.   They ensure that the teams gain knowledge and skills to perform their jobs.  They do formal and informal coaching and mentoring and mostly do not act on their own but are guided by the organization principles and objectives. Managing performance, wellness, workforce planning and effective controls make managers good leaders.


Sellers are a very unique blend of leaders.  Their primary objective is to achieve financial and business goals.  They create a huge momentum of need for the products and services and bring in a demand that is built out of this approach.    Bravest and best lessons of leadership can be seen in Sellers.  They are the one's who create a need, create a supply and bridge the gap between supply and demand. These sellers can sell from a Pen to a Peninsula with their effective leadership combined with persuasive skills and communication effectiveness.

Technical Leaders

Man would have remained in the stone age had it not been for this segment of leaders.  Technical leaders are the one's who motivate innovation, bring in progress,  amazing engineering abilities, medical revolutions, scientific advancements, nuclear emergence, space research and educational tools and methods.   Indispensable technical abilities of these leaders make them vital for change in the chosen fields, be in science, technology, medicine, space, arts or even preserving history and creating ecological balance in this planet.  Steve Jobs and Bill Gates can be considered as leaders in this category. These leaders are truly thought leaders and inspire the new gen world towards a great advancement.

So which type of Leader are you?   

A crusader who inspires as an executor, or a manager who controls and manages a team, a seller who creates a demand or a technical leader who craves for innovation?   The type of leaders is different from the leadership styles we often read in our management lessons.   Once you self-introspect on what type of leader you are, the leadership style combination defines how successful you  can be.

Bottomline:   Leaders create legacies to remain forever!

Disclaimer:   All pictures in this article are taken from internet.  Any copyrights issues can be informed to the author  The article is original property of the author. 

1 comment:

  1. This article are supper help full if you want to know more about leadership styles in management then please click here.
