Saturday, April 12, 2014

A lone traveler!

A Lone Traveller
Date: 12 April 2014
NaPoWriMo- 2014...Day 12

Picture Courtesy: Ramesh Raja

Where are you going, my lone traveler?
Amidst the barren lands and unsound fields
A tree stand lone in the distance or two
Clouds gushing with winds for rains to pour on you

Where are you going, my lone traveler?
With just a bag of trodden old clothes
and the barefoot walks that you take
towards that far off lands unknown to care

Where are you going, my lone traveler?
Once a very prosperous happy farmer!
leaving behind your fields to dry 
and your cattle left uncared to die

Where are you going, my lone traveler?
walking amidst the slopes of mountains
down the unknown valley and paths
leaving behind your family and farms!

Where are you going,  my lone traveler?
Leave not behind the lands that gave you grains
Fields that made you feed millions you never knew
Just hold on the hope,  that you would shine again


In Tribute to all the farmers, who are forced to leave agriculture and travel to unknown lands in search of work, to all those farmers who commit suicide not knowing what else to do in life, to all those families who don't earn enough but feed the mouths that they don't even know...
Let us give back our villages, to its own earlier glory and survival
that is when this country would raise back to food security and self-reliance! 

Jai Jawan!  Jai Kisan!

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