Friday, April 18, 2014

In Memory of a friend

18 April 2014
In Memory of my friend

Srujana..Your smile is now eternal!
 Your smile spread far
The journey taken afar
We enjoyed your dances
Embraced your lovely days
We grew together in one lawn
always looking fresh upon
Nothing but strong will
A dream that you always chased
We were  happy you actually achieved
The two letters called Dr. in front of your name
How much we rejoiced to know your fame
The happiness of seeing your lovely children
a very happy family that you lovingly shared
As friends when we got back in touch
after several years of running in our paths
The joy knew no bounds to measure
And those memories are a treasure
The happiness did not last long
When the call of God for you came along
The journey of night that you took
without realizing what is in hook
Sad came the news with a bang on us
Tears shed long not able to digest
We grieved with your family and friends
Thought times only should as usual heal
However, your smile fail to disappear
and wish one day, in surprise you would appear
again, to wish us, to meet us ,to love us
to hug your children and sleep with your parents
Only wished it never actually happened
years will surely move on, but painfully without you
We miss you dear friend.....
Just sad, that you are gone too soon!

Remembering my friend, classmate and a wonderful dancer, Maganti (Chava) Srujana Chowdary 
as she left us in a tragic car accident last year on this day.
May your soul rest in peace
Holding all good memories of you tight in our hearts for ever
Life is beautiful!

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