Monday, April 13, 2015


12 April 2015

The bud goes on to become a flower
A plant grows tall to be a tree
The child crawls and walks to be a man
Wisdom in us makes us saints from innocent
This world is all of one thing, growth
One constant thing, embracing change
Towards emergence of transformation

Plump TV became thin screens curved
Ham Radios moved on to become cell phones
Connectivity is just not a buzz word
It made this universe, just a smaller world
Prayers became shorter and wishes longer
Time became limited but wants unlimited
There is no end to this endless transformation

Cloud is no more a spell before the rains
It’s the newest technology on the block
Apples and Black berries are not just fruits
But gadgets without which life is nothing
People enjoying capturing events with cams
Than relaxing and enjoying them anymore
Even for a temple chariot on the roads

Coffee cups need lids, for we sip them on move
News is shared on twitter handles than on papers
We react to everything and anything on the fly
Without looking at the details, but on what’s trending
Signals with seconds of waiting is a pain
We count on everything, on the running in life
Restlessness creeps in the moment we pause!
Yes, Transformation is the key to civilization
But the way we are embracing this transition
Will push us back to the ages of primitive era
Where the humanness never existed but hunger
Here the hunger is also meaningless, for no one knows
What exactly is that they want at the end of this hassle?
In this transformation, let us pause and embrace one thing- LIFE!!!

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