Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day 20- Every Day Inspirations - The Seed you plant is the Shoot you get!

As we instill in us, good thoughts; they lead to good days
The more of positive vibes; makes us more optimistic!

As we involve ourselves in good deeds, good things rays
Making our lives, meaningful and enjoyable in mystic!

What we think, often, is what we are made in the end!
The life we live, is mostly reflects on the type of our friends!

Those who go beyond the boundaries of differences
And could see the sunlight just under the wide sky

Those who cross the borders of pain and suffering with smiles
And could see the stars even in the darkest canopy

Are the one's who are sowing the seeds of bamboo
that takes time to grow within, but raises to shoot at once

It takes years of waiting, watering, sunlight and air,
And when it raises, it raises high into the wider skies

It is the power of the perseverance and persistent try
When you seed good thoughts, you do reap a good life

It is the power of the wisdom and gentle soul to rejoice
Living in the spirit of self enriching goals and inner joys


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