Thursday, April 7, 2016


Somehow, I love this word alot.   After writing a earlier post in my blog on Gratitude, today I felt like again going back to the same word in my own poetical form.      Thanks to you all!


Sitting in my solitude
I was taking time to cherish my gratitude!

Denial for being a dark skinned
made me look beautiful within

Running behind so many things in chaos
that made me bring life back to order

Thanks to the people who confused me
For I could get clarity at the end to see

Gratitude to the things of the past
For I enjoy life of today in all its peace

Thanks to the people who hurt me strong
As I learnt what is right and what is wrong!

Gratitude to those falls in life I had
for they proved my strength to get up and stand!

Thanks to troubles based on gender
for there emerged a woman more stronger

Gratitude to who loved me true
my love for you will be ever fonder and new

Thanks to those who left my life
for you proved that I can still move on

Gratitude to those who taught me things
as you made me wiser and love to bring

Thanks to all who stood behind me all the time
For I know, you proved me worth in this life!

My heartfelt thanks to all my family and friends
For now, for here,  my song of gratitude ends!

Is one of the most powerful words in this world!


7 April 1919,  my grandmother and my god mother Smt. Sakunthala Devi was born.  She raised us with a strong sense of gratitude for the things we have in life.  Thank you Nanamma. for what we are today, for what you have instilled in us when we were children and  raised by your care and love.  Truly blessed and thanks is just a small word to you that we can give:-)

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