Saturday, September 24, 2016

Turned 40 - Think 40

As an IBMer, 'Think 40'  is term each one of us really endear.  Today as I turned 40, I also thought it is the time to recollect and 'think 40' in life.   

40 people who touched my life...40 things I cherished....40 places I visited,   40 days I enjoyed...40 days I was sad and so,   40 poems that touched my heart,  40 books that I loved to read...40 movies that enjoyed..40 places I visited.....40 prayers!  40 Blessings!  40 ..40..40....The list goes on!

40 most cherished happenings in my life ....

1.  My Family -  Amma, Daddy, Bobby, Jailu, Raghu, Aishu,  CGK,  Vimal, Ajay and Akshat.   My world is concrete and closeknit.

2.  My Mentor-   Krishnan Vadivel...the man who sculptured my confidence and life for the path that is treading.. Had it not been for him in life, I would have been a failure.

3.  My Best Friends -   Mentioning few is impossible and would be disrespectful to others.   I cherish each one of them who made it into my life.   Each one touched me in their own way and I am with great pride in having them in life

4.  My Schools  -  St.Thereasa's Eluru...that gave birth to my knowledge...SCIMA - that made me understand the competition of the academic world.    To me  learning is fun...from St.Thereasas, SCIMA days to Vaishnava College, IWCA -SIRC,  IGNOU, PMI  to now learning had been an enriching experience.   

5.  My Passion -  my poetry.  

It is absolute meaningless scribbling to the world.  but to me it reflected my its entirety and originality ...written for everything and anything that touched my life.

6.  My mantra in life

'Neither prejudiced by the Past, not living in the fear of the future,  Live, Live the moment!'

7.  My Most peaceful destination

In India, it is Rishikesh.   In Abroad,  Forest Lawns, Glendale.  Both these places have a strange and soul stirring calmness and giving us the peace and wisdom of life

8.  My  Career
I don't work just for money.  To me enjoying the work is the way to happiness ...I had an amazing opportunities to work with great people and in great companies...Starting with Aptech-Asset, Dishnet DSL,  Manmar Technologies,  DSL Software,  ABN AMRO,  HP and now IBM.    What an amazing experience it is !

9.  My Best Travel Euphoria 

Visiting Niagara Falls on the eve of my daughter's 10th birthday.

10.  My Moment of gratitude

The day I touched the piece of land of my own first house...Tears swelled in happiness and absolute pride.

11.  My Most cherished Movie

'Mouna Ragam' in Tamil,  Sirivennela in Telugu and 'The Pursuit of Happiness' in English and DDLJ in Hindi.

12.  My Motto of life

Borrowed from my Alma Mater ' Love and Service'.

13.  My 'silence' seekers

Talking to myself about my dreams in my me, it helps.. it is my way of understanding within

14. My most guilt moment
With my mother in law.   God will forgive me one day for this pain

15.  My most prideful moment

Receiving EWIT excellence award in Music Academy in 2008

16.  My favourite food

Ofcourse, Biryani.   And my mom's homemade kesari

17.  My best shot 
Gin and tonic with my best friends Sudha, Aravind and Micheal

18.  My most hillarious moments
With Manasi and Uday...always

19.   My most inspiring personality
There are many people, but can surely name a few like Maria, Ramesh Raja,  Amitava Ghosh and Shankar Narayanan in career,   Siddharth and Sarada Ramani.    My elder brother in law Krishnan Uday in family and my mother - with their strong determination and focus

20.  What relaxes me?
What else can it be than MS Amma songs in the morning 

21.  My favourite colour?
Blue , Red and White.     

22.  My favorite car?
Ofcourse I loved my Alto, the first car I brought in life and our I10 that my baby is now zooming me around.   I always dream and love to buy a Honda City  ,  again with no loans..will wait for that day

23.  My favorite vacation?
Trip to Taj Mahal and North India with family

24.  My faith?
100 %  secular.   Born Hindu, Educated in a Christian Missionary School and amazing falling in love with Muslim food.  

25.  My unique experience?
Lighting  the pyre fire of my father at the age of 15.  Taking a step away from the orthodox and religious constraints

26.  My most dreadful memory?
The fire accident in 2004 in my bedroom (rather call it a conspiracy)  where few seconds mattered between life and death with my 6 year old daughter.

27.  My most patient /perseverance moment?
Holding my husband as he disclosed about his illness during our first night.   We learnt to deal with adversities from that day together and convert them to opportunities.   Even today, I wonder where did I get that strength to manage that odd experience

28.   My most happiest moment in life?

The morning of May 13, when my mom gave me my pink bundle of joy in my hands....I cried in happiness 

29.  My most admiring moment in life?

Early hours of Jan 11, when I went into the OT and touched my little micky mouse Ajay and the way he reacted to the first human touch just few minutes out of the secured walls of his mother's womb.

30.  My most favorite moment of the recent times?

being called 'old amma' by Akshat as I couldnt take him calling me aunty...being his pedamma....sometimes I am really crazy

31.  My finest moment in literacy aspects?

Meeting Salman Rushdie in Los Angeles.   I was awestuck with the talent and confidence this man exhibits and inspires being strong in his belief and freedom of speech/ expression.  And also meeting Reza Aslan

32.  My saddest decision?
To abort my second child, for several reasons.  Having had to manage a sick and unemployed husband,  toddler, full time work, pressures of joint family, struggle to make both ends meet,  necessity to do higher studies.   It was a costliest decision that haunted me for several years on every Valentine day.  Today, I guess I overcame and no more 'Adithya' my unborn son is a nightmare to me.   I have laid him to rest and so does this decision.  

33. My wise decision ?  

It is very easy to quit in life and go.  But to stand and face the turbulence and sail against the wind is an amazing experience.  Today, after around 20 years, I strongly feel that my decision at the age of 20 to do everything possible to let my marriage survive is the wisest decision of all.   Honestly, taking the decision was easy but to make it work, needed everything of you to be put into every day life.   Today, we are not only the happiest couple but we are aging gracefully together and inspiring others around

34.  My books!

'Never Say Quit',  ' The Way you take it!'  and Kranthi novels.  co-authoring 'After the floods',  Love stories from Chennai as part of CBC...and this year, taking up the responsibility to co-author 'Siddharth's  autobiography.....

35.  My favourite line 

It is from none other than Kannadasan ...'Ethai kondu vandom, ethai kondu sella....'  

36.  My most 'show biz' moment!

Acting as 'Alamelu' Mami in 'Tenali Raghavan'  , tamil drama curated by Shristi dramas.    I loved myself !

37. My dream come true saga...

To be a lawyer in life.  It was my childhood dream...if not now, when kind of attitude and my passion for the subject is making me go for it....I will give my best being an advocate .

38.  My memorable experiences in media.

At the age of 14, annoucing the medical tips for pilgrims in Goshpata ghat in Rajamundry during Godavari pushkarams,   being a semi-finalist  in Chennai super mom's contest ,  winning chellamey chellam kids show with aishu in Jaya TV,  participating in 2 shows of Neeya Naana with Raghu,   Interview to Hindu after winning the Ewit award with Sudha Sastri  and many other few incidents

39.   Most remarkable achievement in 40 years of  my life

People!    -  My Family & Friends...especially my sisters and precious childhood

40.   My last wish would be to

go by my friend Cheran's golden words...' don't fret for what happened,  just think what next and keep moving'.....let the end come naturally, don't plan for it making life today miserable

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