Monday, April 24, 2017

AGILE Team Performance & Motivation

Agile Team Motivation
Maslow's Theory
Herzberg's Theory
McClelland's Theory

Agile Team Motivation

One of the Agile principles states, “Build the team around motivated individuals; give them the support and encouragement they need.”
An Agile leader needs to motivate the team. Some of the well-known motivation theories are:

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs
Motivational Factors by Boehm
Frederick Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
David McClelland’s Achievement Motivation Theory

Agile Team Motivation—Maslow’s Theory

Abraham Maslow's ‘Hierarchy of Human Needs’ is depicted as a five level pyramid.
The four lower levels represent the most fundamental needs, called ‘Deficiency needs’ or ‘D-needs.’ The fifth level is self-actualization, where people reach their full potential.
Maslow indicates that the lower level needs have to be satisfied before one can move to the higher level needs.

Agile Team Motivation—Frederick Herzberg’s Theory

Frederick Herzberg established a theory based on the two factors, Motivators and Hygiene factors.
Motivators are those factors that give immense satisfaction, arising from intrinsic conditions of the job, such as recognition, achievement, or personal growth. Examples of Motivators are challenging work, recognition, and responsibility.
Hygiene factors are necessary, but do not give motivation; although the absence of these will result in dissatisfaction. Examples of Hygiene factors are status, job security, salary, fringe benefits, and work conditions.
An Agile project team requires hygiene factors to establish a minimal level of team performance. Also, motivators determine if the team can achieve high performance.

Agile Team Motivation—McClelland’s Theory

David McClelland's ‘Achievement Motivation’ theory is based on ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs’ theory. McClelland’s theory describes three types of dominant motivators, which are Achievement, Affiliation, and Authority or Power.
People with ‘Achievement’ motivators are characterized by the following traits –

A strong need to set and accomplish challenging goals.
Willing to take calculated risks to accomplish goals.
Likes to receive regular feedback on progress and achievements.
Often likes to work alone.

People with ‘Affiliation’ motivators are characterized by the following traits –

They want to belong in the group.
They want to be liked, and will often go along with what the rest of the group wants to do.
They favor collaboration over competition.
They do not like high risk or uncertainty.

People with ‘Power’ motivators are characterized by the following traits –

Want to control and influence others.
Like to win arguments.
Enjoy competition and winning.
Enjoy status and recognition.

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