Friday, April 14, 2017

#AtoZChallenge Inspiring Indian Women : N for Nagamani Kondala Rao

#AtoZChallenge Inspiring Indian Women : N for Nagamani Kondala Rao   #Unsungheroes

Smt Nagamani Kondal Rao is associated with Stree Seva Mandir

She got into social service through her involvement in Stree seva mandhir right from 1972 under the guidance of Smt.AC Krishna Rao, founder chairman of the institution. 

Her journey at Stree Seva Mandhir has been impeccable throughout these 45 years

She has assumed various responsibilities tirelessly without a break in  Stree Seva Mandhir. Orphanage for girl children, Old Age Home for elderly and helpless women, Self Help groups like Doll Making, Women's Clinic, Canteen, Coffee Powder factory, Block Printing, Weaving Units to promote self sufficiency for destitute women and their children, 

She has been the secretary and correspondent of Kaveri High School, Saligramam where the teachers in her team ensure absolute and personal support to the poor and below average students who are mostly first generation learners. 

Started on the 2nd October 1949, the Stree Seva Mandir has completed 60 years of hard and dedicated work for for the cause of the orphan, the destitute, the economically poor and the socially backward women and children.
The organisation has no political, communal, religious, linguistic or territorial affiliations. Instituted by a few socially responsible, serious and sincere individuals to impart education and job oriented training to girls and women, the institution devoloped a variety of services to promote Enterpreneurship and to add to National productivity. 

The institution started in Madras city has grown and spread to the extended areas, suburbs and the villages of the neighbouring Chengalpattu MGR district.
The steady growth of the Stree Seva Mandir could not have been possible but for several helping hands with apt and timely help of funds, advice and resources. 

All programmes now implemented by the Mandir relate to the welfare and devolpment of women and children. 

They conform to the six constitutional aims of
1.Institutional care
2. Education
3. Vocational training
4. Employment
5. Community Welfare
6. Rural Devolopment 

Programmes are so designed that they cater to the requirements of women and children of all age groups, all educational backgrounds, aptitudes, capabilities and languages, with the difference being that the poor get completely free services and those who can afford, pay a part or the full charges. 

Services consist of hostels, homes for the aged, day care centres, schools, vocational, technical and engineering courses, arts and crafts, programmes non formal and continuing education, on the job training, employment, medical attention cultural and recreational activities. 

The rural areas also see implementation of mini farming, social forestry, rural, cottage and small scale industries. 

The institution has some very special features that set it apart. We adopt a policy of great flexibility in all aspects of admission, help, training and rehabilitation of individuals in need.

Awards and citations have been a plenty for services rendered to to the society. 

Where the mind is led forward by Thee.
into ever widening thought and action

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