Sunday, October 7, 2018

#CSCCAN1 - Celtic Colours International Festival 2018 - Square Dancing

Celtic Colours is an experience like no other. For nine days in October, Cape Breton Island is alive with music, energy and excitement as people come from far and wide to celebrate its rich culture. From concerts to dances and workshops to community suppers, they offer a full range of events against a gorgeous backdrop of autumn colours.

We had the great experience driving down to Glencoe Mills  and join their Square Dancing (first time I heard about it)  and to be part of the amazing night of music, dance and adventure.  

Dance Inspired By Music - Music Inspired By Dance

"The music comes from the fiddler's heart, through his strings and straight into your heart" -
Father John Angus Rankin. 
A cultural treasure of the area is step dancing, a highly energetic, percussive form of dance inspired by fiddle music.  Dive into the culture, joining on the dance floor, listen and letting  the music take hold  and guide you.
We infact messed up their patterns and dance, however, the locals were very warm and understood that we are there to enjoy the evening and have no clue on how to go about the dance steps.  They helped us sway to the moves,  tried teaching us the steps and patterns and encouraged us to dance.    
When in Cape Breton, do as the Capers do, right? Here was our chance at a slice of life experience by jumping in on the action at a square dance


Glencoe Mills Family Square Dances

Picture Thursday nights from 9:00pm - 12:00am through July & August.

Open to all ages at Glencoe Mills Hall, 628 Upper Glencoe Road. 15km from village. 

Admission $8.00, under 12 free. Canteen available
For more information contact 945-2213.


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