Sunday, June 9, 2019

UnSung Heroes: D. Annalakshmi - A Paraplegic Wheel Chair Marathoner who braves all odds!

D.  Annalakshmi, fondly called as Annam is a young woman who has complete zeal to life.   She is looking forward to making her own imprints in the world of marathons and shortput throw.   She is seen happily quoting Deepa Malik as inspiration and wanting to achieve something for her country.   
Annalakshmi is the first woman in Chennai to complete a 10K marathon on her manual wheel chair without support.  She is now winning several accolades on her participation in several marathon events in Chennai.   She also been part of the inclusion activities and helping students of NIFT to show case their talents by bringing in inclusive clothing.

How did Annalakshmi became a Paraplegic?   Was she born disabled?

NO.  Unfortunately, the truth is that a botched up surgery made a young girl disabled for life.   In the year 2001, she complained of severe leg pain and went to doctors, who suspected a tumour in her leg.  Without proper investigations or scans, she was referred for a surgery in Government Hospital, where she believed in the doctors and went under the knife, only to be awaken to the fact that both her legs are gone paralyzed and she became paraplegic with movements lost hip down.  The GH doctors and administration panicked and destroyed all the medical reports of her surgery and records without which she could not even take up a legal battle and with a family living with poverty, she had no choice but to grieve on her destiny and lose hope

How does she manage her life?   Is her family able to help her?

Very difficult.  For almost 7-8 years post surgery,  she was completely bed ridden.  She had no hope, and felt completely lost in life.   She did not understand why this happened to her in life.  She found getting down the bed, going to washroom,  wearing clothes, managing physical changes as a woman, managing periods,  managing bedsores or possible damages to the skin, that does not heal fast without blood circulation,  life suddenly changed overnight for her. 

She is blessed with absolutely dedicated parents,  who were torn by the financial challenges and meagre earnings.   Her sisters and brother stood as support physically.   However, as the years went by, the economical burden was too high with no financial support from any government or any thing.    Her family did everything possible to put her to ease.  However, the financial conditions were so tiring that left the parents in tears.    Today Annalakshmi tells us that she has to take care of her ill aged parents, where her father in on dialysis for 3 years and still works between the errands to hospital.   Mother's eyes dwelled in tears as she showed us the only picture of Annam where she was standing prior to 2001.    I felt a lump in my throat.  This girl can never stand in her life, because some doctor botched up her surgery for no reason .

What are her moments of courage, how did she defy all odds and exhibit this braveheart?

Annalakshmi did try to end her life many times.   Her failed attempts of suicide only gave her a sense  of some purpose.  Just few seconds before she lit the fire after dousing herself in kerosene, she heard a voice within her to stop.   She felt that God surely had a reason on why she have this life.  She decided to fight back the odds.

This sudden realization to life live meaningfully, made her get up with courage and start thinking at the positive side of life.   She started pursuing her education again.   Went on to do her BBA with extreme struggle and complete the same in flying colours.   She decided to tame her body to push to do the wheel chair marathon and her joy knew no bounds when she finished her first 10 kms Wheel chair marathon.   Today she works in the HR department of a company in Ambattur.

Her Achievements defying odds!

Participated 10 Km Marathon (Wheel chair) organised by the Wipro Chennai Marathon December 10 2014.
First person in India to do 10 km on wheel chair without assistance who has in injured spine.
First Prize in Shot Put Competition conducted by Tamil Nadu differently Abled Federation Charitable Trust
Won competitions AGAPA REHABILITATION CENTRE ELECTION 18TH June 2017(First Prize)
Tamil Nadu Para Sports State Championship held at Sports  Development -26th to 28th January 2018-Madurai (Discus Throw Second place) (And Javelin Throw Third place)

Tamil Nadu Differently Abled  Federation Charitable Trust 17th State Level Sports Meet for the differently Abled  Persons -10th February -2018 (100 MTS Wheel chair race  Second Prize) And (Shot Put First Prize)

Her Dreams now!

1.  To complete 21 kms in Wheel Chair Marathon 
2.  To represent India in Para-Olympic Sports and win prizes in Shot Put and Javelin Throw
3.  To financial support and take care of her aged parents.
4.  Share her story and inspire atleast 2 disabled women in life to look forward and not end life.

How do I know her?

Couple of years back, she came to NIFT where my daughter Aishwarya and her friends designed a ready to wear saree for her as part of their Ability Foundation Competition.  From that day, my daughter kept on talking about this girl.  Last year, when Anna Lakshmi wanted to search for a job and take up work, she needed a mobility vehicle.    Bank loan was given for the actual cost of the vehicle, however, the accessories that need for a physically challenged person had to be done on her own cost and thats where we pitched in and got the vehicle ready by giving her the financial assistance and from there our god-daughter relationship started with her.

Her Crusade will continue:

1.  To spread the message that disability of mind is bigger than the physical disability
2.   To empower women with spinal cord injury to not give up hope and start living life positively
3.  Creating more awareness and thrive for creating more accessible India for Wheel-Chair bound

Raghu and I left their home in Redhills last night, with a mixed feelings after giving her the new wheel chair.   We felt so heavy in heart and same time felt so happy to see such a compassion and warmth and positivist in this brave-heart.  Thanks to my blogger friend Guru for sponsoring the Wheel Chair and also to my friends in Inner Wheel for support to get her scooter ready. 

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