Saturday, January 4, 2020

Her Divine Grace - Living in her Aspirations - Way of Life...Mother and Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo so said
" Nobody can transform himself by his own unaided efforts; it is only the Divine Force that can transform him. If you keep yourself open, all the rest will be done for you."

The psychic being in Savitri
The first line of this verse describes the psychic being as being “no bigger than the thumb of man”. This is an allusion to verse 2.1.12 of the Katha Upanishad which says “The Purusha, of the size of a thumb, dwells in the body. (Realizing Him as) the Lord of the past and the future, one does not (henceforward) want to protect oneself. This verily is that (thou seekest).“
She puts forth a small portion of herself,
A being no bigger than the thumb of man
Into a hidden region of the heart
To face the pang and to forget the bliss,
To share the suffering and endure earth’s wounds
And labour mid the labour of the stars.
This in us laughs and weeps, suffers the stroke,
Exults in victory, struggles for the crown;
Identified with the mind and body and life,
It takes on itself their anguish and defeat,
Bleeds with Fate’s whips and hangs upon the cross,
Yet is the unwounded and immortal self
Supporting the actor in the human scene.
Through this she sends us her glory and her powers,
Pushes to wisdom’s heights, through misery’s gulfs;
She gives us strength to do our daily task
And sympathy that partakes of others’ grief
And the little strength we have to help our race,
We who must fill the role of the universe
Acting itself out in a slight human shape
And on our shoulders carry the struggling world.
This is in us the godhead small and marred;
In this human portion of divinity
She seats the greatness of the Soul in Time
To uplift from light to light, from power to power,
Till on a heavenly peak it stands, a king.

(Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, Book VII, Canto V)

Om Namo bhagavathey Om Sri Aurobindo devaya Namaha!

Year 2020 had a great beginning by visiting the beautiful Flowers decoration and group meditation and prayer songs to Sri Aurobindo and Mother at my friend Kumaran's best friend Jaya's house.  

Small things make a great beginning and this one hour of group satsang brought in great positive vibes and absolute inner energy to start the year with great enthusiasm and blessing of the Divine Mother.   Thank you Kumaran for this auspicious beginning.  

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