Saturday, April 18, 2020

#Day18 NaPoWriMo R for Sri Ramana Maharshi- Your Real Nature is Happiness

gurusriramanamaharshi #silence #devoteesofbhagwanramana ...

You are the real Rishi..the sage
and your thoughts inspire all ages
How true that the hands can still work
when the mind remains silent and still
How can we stop whats destined to happen
So when the act of God is certain, remain silent
Happiness should be our Nature

And why regret when we truly desire it
The repeated search of self of 'Who am I'?
sometimes make you dissolve in true self
clinging to the feet of the Guru
who may be your equal, may be superficial
through the thoughts of divine grace
Bhakti makes the mind super-conscious and still
Desire of God is the biggest of the desires
that makes you free from the fear of diseases
Who are you Ramana....our eternal Guru?
Guru who is external and internal
From the outside, pushing the thoughts of mind
to turn to inner self,  much deep inwards
From the interior, you pull the minds towards Self
and helps in quietening of the subtle mind!

Thank you

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