Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Chennai International Book Fair 2023- A annual ritual of visit to the world of books

Pics says it all.   Missed the Notion Press stall this year in the book fair, or probably, I missed being at the right stall.  Enjoyed Queer Publishing Stall,  been to Emerald Publishers owner by my friend Nalini Olivannan and Went in search of Sixth Sense Publications and happy to find the Chennai Bloggers club book - "After the floods'' which had 21 authors writing the anthology and happy being one amongst them.  It feels good to find your book amidst millions of the books in the Book fair !!!

First time the LGBTQ community found a voice at the International Book Fair,  The Queer Publishing stall was quite a big turn for inclusivity in the society.  It makes me feel proud of our Constitution for providing equal rights to all human beings in India.  I know the struggle these trans sisters had on the first couple of days of the book fair, but glad they won their way and finally are able to make few sales for the books through the stall

Felt happy meeting Perivavallavan's mother at the fair and appreciated her for the longest legal battle she fought and won for her son.   I am no one to comment on a judicial proceeding and aftermath long judicial custodies of those involved in a former Prime Minister's assassination.  

But the resilience of the mother, to single handedly fight, run behind court rooms and hearing after hearing., fighting for appeals, went for Presidential Plea and knocked the doors of every politician in search of justice for her son.  The mother showed utmost belief in justice, waited almost 30 long years, amidst long struggle for justice, managing the household, losses and unsurmountable hurdles her way.   

People were amazed to her will and courage, wisdom to understand complex IPC sections to support their case.  She did not hesitate to travel the length and breadth of the country seeking justice.   She left behind her typical shyness, and wore a sleeve of grit and determination with single motive to set her son free before she dies.  She walked thousands of miles and joined every call with the voices of justice,  and she emerged as victorious as any other woman in the history pages of India.  

Jai Ho, to the mothers of this Nation who take on courage as the only weapon as they fight the battles of life.    Jai Ho, to the mothers, who inspite of their own pain, withstand the turbulences to protect their children and families..  Jai Ho to the mothers, all around the world, who keep the wellbeing of the family first than themselves.   Jai Ho every mother, my grandmother who raised me, my mother who taught me,  my sisters who mothered me with wisdom and support,  to my daughter, who mothers me with the generational gap knowledge and mother in me who craves to provide love to all around.   Jai Ho Maa Darthi....Jai Ho Mother Earth!!!!  

Thanks to my better half who ensures we visit the book fair every year!!!

It was also so nice to Giri Traders stall having Pooniyan Selvan in English translated by Ms. Sumeetha Manikandan.  

Enjoy Reading..Paper back is the best!!!  Authors, keep writing...The Mighty Pen is powerful than the sword!!!

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