Saturday, January 6, 2024

Poem : You are not alone! Open your hearts and speak up! A Tribute

In the quiet chambers of a tender soul,
A tragedy unfolds, beyond control.
A young heart, burdened by shadows deep,
In silence, the secrets of sorrow they keep.

Oh, the whispers of a restless mind,
In the darkness, answers hard to find.
A soul, now lost in the depths of despair,
Leaving behind a world in disrepair.

In youth's embrace, where dreams take flight,
A spirit succumbs to the endless night.
The echoes of laughter, now hauntingly still,
A void in the heart, an ache that will fill.

Questions linger, heavy in the air,
Why couldn't love reach them, gentle and rare?
The pain that echoes in those left behind,
A haunting symphony, a mournful kind.

Yet, let us remember the joy they knew,
The light in their eyes, the spirit true.
In memories cherished, let love reside,
For within those moments, they'll always abide.

Speak of the laughter, the warmth they shared,
The dreams they carried, the love they declared.
In the tapestry of time, woven with grace,
Their essence endures, a sacred embrace.

But oh, the heartache, profound and deep,
In the silence where the shadows creep.
Let compassion be the balm for the soul,
For in empathy's light, broken hearts find a goal.

In this painful journey of loss and grief,
May healing come as a gentle leaf.
For every young soul, in life's cruel game,
Deserves love, understanding, and a different flame.

In the memory of the teen, so young,
Let's raise awareness, speak out, and be among
The voices that say, "You're not alone," 
For every precious life, let empathy be shown. 

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