Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A Taste of Pain - My Poetry

 In the garden of life, thorns unseen,

Each step, a dance with pain, unforeseen.
Roses bloom, but beware the bitter scent,
For in this tapestry, pain is fervent.

Beneath the petals, a tempest resides,
Life's symphony plays both sides.
A taste of pain, bitter on the tongue,
A ballad of sorrow, so sadly sung.

As disappointment weaves its somber rhyme,
Heart's bleeding ink, a tale of its own time.
The honeyed words, once sweet on lips,
Now sour echoes, as reality strips.

In the chiaroscuro of joy and despair,
Life’s palette painted with a touch unfair.
Yet, in pain's crucible, resilience is born,
A taste of agony, in each heart, worn.

So, let the bitterness carve its trace,
For in life's tapestry, pain finds its space.
Yet, amid the shadows, hope remains,
A taste of pain, where strength sustains.

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