Friday, February 23, 2024

Poem: The Throne of Life - Submitted for African Poetry Gaint

#PCWriting #PoemWriting #UmasreeRaghunath #IndianPoet

Name: Umasree Raghunath, India.

Title : The Throne of Life.

Upon the throne where wisdom reigns,

A humble heart in vibrant veins.

Joyful echoes, truthful gaze,

A sovereign soul in humble ways.

In regal robes of honesty,

A simple grace, a legacy.

Accepting challenges, bold and grand,

The throne of life, a noble stand.

With every step, a truth unfolds,

In vibrant hues, the story molds.

A humble ruler, fair and just,

In shadows cast, in light to trust.

The throne of life, a sacred quest,

Where honesty outshines the rest.

In joy, in sorrow, through each test,

The humble heart gives its best.

Second Poem

In the regal realm where thrones arise,

Advantages cloak, yet shadows disguise.
A sovereign's seat, a symbol of might,
Power's allure, bathed in golden light.

On the throne, a ruler's grace,
Commands echo in every sovereign space.
Advantage blooms like a royal rose,
Yet thorns of consequence, the kingdom knows.

Disadvantages lurk in the royal chair,
Loneliness whispers, a heavy air.
Isolation weaves a web unseen,
A sovereign's heart, a captive queen.

For the masses, a two-edged sword,
Inspiration rises, or despair is stored.
A benevolent monarch, a beacon bright,
Lifts the spirits, ignites the light.

Yet a tyrant's reign, a tempest's gale,
Leaves the masses shipwrecked, hearts frail.
Throne's dance, a delicate ballet,
Affecting the realm in dusk or day.

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