Sunday, March 10, 2024

Colour blue to me means......a Poem by Umasree Raghunath


Image from the internet-  Feeling like a Blue Butterfly!

In hues of blue of a tranquil sea, a calming palette like a symphony.

Sky painted vast like a cerulean dome with canvas where daydreams freely roam.

Blue whispers tales of depth and grace and a soothing balm, an embrace.

In the azure expanse, fears dissolve, as cobalt waves gently resolve.

Crisp denim skies above, evoke a sense of boundless love.

Sapphire nights, a cosmic embrace, where stars twinkle, leaving no trace.

Blue, a melody in twilight's hymn, a colour that casts away shadows grim.

Cool cerulean, a serene plea, lifting the heart, setting spirits free.

Cyan dreams chase away the night, in the soft glow of lunar light.

Azure, a hue of calm and rest, a colour that brings forth the best.

So, let the blues dance in your sight, chasing away fears with tranquil might.

In shades of blue, pleasantness unfurls, as a timeless palette that heals and swirls.


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