Sunday, March 31, 2024

#NaPoWriMo2024 - Day 1 - "Soft" - Poem Title : Soft things that touch my soul

 In whispers of dawn, a gentle breeze blows,

Caressing cheeks with tender repose.
The laughter of children, pure and bright,
A symphony of innocence in flight.

Petals that dance upon morning dew,
Soft kisses of sunlight, painting hues.
A lover's embrace, a warm embrace,
Where time slows, and worries find no place.

The melody of rain upon the earth,
A lullaby of solace, giving birth.
A puppy's wagging tail, eyes full of trust,
In their presence, worries turn to dust.

The embrace of a friend in times of need,
A silent comfort, a noble deed.
The twinkle of stars in the midnight sky,
A reminder of dreams that never die.

The kindness of strangers, unexpected and rare,
Restoring faith in humanity's care.
The beauty of art, in its myriad forms,
Speaks to the soul through its quiet storms.

The wisdom of elders, stories untold,
Lessons learned from lives that unfold.
The bond between generations, strong and deep,
A legacy of love that we forever keep.

In these soft things, the world finds its grace,
Touching our hearts in its tender embrace.
For in moments like these, we truly see,
The beauty of life, in its simplicity.

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