Wednesday, April 17, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024- Day 17 - Timeline (timeline of an Indian Woman)


                            A timeline, woven with threads of time,

Each moment a stitch in life's tapestry.

From the first cry of infancy,

To the wisdom of age's rhyme.

A journey marked by milestones,

Birthdays, graduations, and vows,

Each event a chapter, a story told,

In the tapestry of nows'.

Memories etched in the fabric of years,

A timeline, ever evolving, ever dear.

In the timeline of an Indian woman,

A tapestry of resilience and grace unfurls.

From the whispers of ancestral wisdom,

To the modern echoes of empowered curls.

Born amidst the colours of tradition,

She learns the dance of duty and devotion.

With each step, she forges her mission,

Navigating life with steadfast emotion.

Her youth blooms like the lotus at dawn,

With dreams as vibrant as a saree's hue.

Yet, bound by societal norms drawn,

She treads cautiously, yet boldly too.

Marriage brings new chapters to her tale,

A union of hearts, a familial bond.

She learns to balance, to prevail,

In the symphony of love, she's fond.

As motherhood embraces her soul,

She becomes the architect of tomorrow.

Nurturing dreams, making them whole,

In her embrace, love knows no sorrow.

Through trials and triumphs, she evolves,

A beacon of strength, a guiding light.

Her story, a testament to resolve,

In the timeline of an Indian woman's flight.

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