Monday, April 29, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024- Day 29- Mundane (a ballad)


In the 21st century's mundane plight,

We wake to screens, our guiding light.

From dawn till dusk, the cycle repeats,

In the hustle and bustle of city streets.

We chase the clock, in endless race,

Yearning for moments of quiet grace.

Yet amidst the chaos, a whisper still,

Of dreams unspoken, waiting to fulfill.

The mundane hum of daily grind,

A melody lost, but one to find.

In fleeting glimpses of nature's call,

We seek the peace that soothes us all.

So let us pause in the rush of time,

Embrace the mundane, let our spirits climb.

For in the ordinary, magic resides,

A ballad of life, where joy abides.

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