Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Hindu Opportunities Edition missing today

Wednesday Hindu paper used to be eagerly awaited by most of the professionals looking for a change or for the best of opportunities that get listed. Today, surprisingly after many years, we find the supplement missing. Reason: No enough classified to publish a complete supplement on the job market. Gosh, where are we heading to... all that had was added as two sides to the main edition. Is this representing a dull or rather lost job market. Interestingly, what was visible is also not biggest companies openings or fully from IT industry. Its just 12 days that this year passed and it makes us wonder, what is all it has got in store in 2009.
The fall of a King and his worst hit empire in the last one week had caused enough trauma to a recession stuck industry. It made people speak so much, discussed and debated at length, about a person who was once regarded as the best for governance, excellent corporate to look upon and man who made it to masses from a scratch. Overnight, things changed. 20 years of hard earned prestige, power and people are gone. Greed had been the primary reason. The system failed and made people think what to believe and what not to believe. The questions on the integrity of an industrialist or a corporate remained too large and too complex. Accounting standards, auditing reliability, political support, contractual obligations, people's trust and hard earned money, insecurity of jobs of more than 50000 people and their families, depending vendors, investors, everything under the purview became a question mark. What failed. Quality of a human brain.
The Nation stood standstill when another set of 50000 people refused to work for few days. Oil PSUs strike shook the Nation making it stand in queues for fuel. The life of an ordinary man was hit and we did nothing but to patiently wait and watch, and see the drama unfold in every news bulletin. Government believed that they are paid no less, people getting paid alteast 1 Lakh and above called for a strike. Those who did it, said that they are under paid. Prime Minister believed it otherwise. Trucks strike made the ordinary man's woes continue. Though fighting for rights is recommended, there is a way to do it. Strikes are in no way a recommended way.
Its just 12 days and so many issues. Government is working over night with the crisis management team to fix most of the issues. By the way Sibu Soren lost the election... does it trouble someone..hope so and hope not so too! It is time for looking for predictions this year!! ?Another question mark. All I decided to do now, is close this post, and go to bed, so that I get back to work tomorrow on time, and just do what is planned for the day. And find ways not to disappoint someone at work and learn to be cautious and just keep up my good work!

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