Monday, January 19, 2009

The Obama Fever

My Obama fever has restarted again. This time, because 20th January 2009 not only marks the inauguration of the 44th President of United States but an expected transformation of the world economy as his regime begins. I am one of the millions of enthusiastic spectators who is expecting some miracles to happen and for the world economy to oil its wheels quickly to get accelerated asap.
One quick glance of this man in Michigan during his campaigns from a distance, and having had the opportunity to listen to his most of the speeches during his campaign, and also his acceptance speech in Chicago made me his great fan. He has got a fire in him that will drive him hard to face the turbulence's of the stumbling global economy and its direct impact in United States and the world all over. He represents a victory over racism. He remarkably presents himself as the voice of a common man. The way he starts his speech and gets so involved and engrossed and bring in a wave and vibration in the listeners just do not represent a strong orator but a inner leader who awakes as he talks. "Yes, We Can" , the words that naturally flew in his speech, became the slogan of the century. The three words represent positiveness, optimistic future, possibility, and above all Faith. A transforming faith. When a million people together shout, that WE CAN, let me tell you, it just happens, the change not just America needs but the world needs at this hour.
Inspired by this young leader and his views and opinions, I only keep my prayers strong that Indo-US relations should be strengthen and bilateral and economic understanding should grow paving a strong path for trade and commerce, and intellectual exchange to flourish for years to come making India stand ahead as a Developed Nation. His support on fighting terrorism and controlling borders restlessness should help India and our neighbours to develop manageable relationships that are looking for verifiable objector evidence every time we come across an issue. India and Indians in United States should aim at making the best of times during the next years of Obama regime, for here what we have is a man who is intellectually brilliant, emotionally 100% American and rationally strong winning over odd adversities and above all a very ordinary man with extraordinary family values and support system. He have lot of ingredients that sprang in every Indian and unlike most of his predecessors at the White House, here comes an American President who is a global Hero even before he takes over the oval office.
Hatts Off Obama, am sure your parents would be proud where ever they are and you certainly do have your grandmother's blessings. Enjoy your time in DC and give back to the world little more than what is expected, for that's your style and passion, to exceeding expectations!!!

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