Sunday, May 31, 2009

General Motors- An Empire Set to be rebuilt

Today is one of those different days where all my thoughts profoundly are centred on a single subject. Today the world is looking at a Corporation that's heading towards its humble turn. General Motors. The auto-industry pioneer which ruled US markets and accelerated the economy for exactly 100 years so far is all set to take its new turn. I would not want to call it an unprecedented or a worst turn for I as an economic analyst is sure of one fact that this day will bring in. General Motors will re-emerge as a small and focused company and slowly rebuild its past glory. It is not just a company where nearly 5,14,000 employees worked in 1950, and the industry which catered to the defense and domestic US markets, General Motors in its own right have added value and wisdom to the US economy at large. The dependent and ancillary industries that relied solely on the revenue that GM generated is huge and unparalleled in Detroit even today. Michigan and the entire North America once glorified GM's existence with Pride and Decorum. Today, over decades of unexpected twists and turns, calculated risks that avers ed beyond repair and the recession hit Nation that is not able to make any difference with calculated administrative support. But GM will scale up again with new vision and focus, resetting its goals and objectives and soon become a viable auto-maker bringing in a new paradigm of change. What ever may be the end result of today's Chapter 11 filling of a global giant, GM will for ever remain as the only largest automaker who made America's History a glorified one. No other automaker in the near future will be able to recreate the History, that GM had strongly left on the shores of Detroit. The pride and passion of the brand GM will remain intact in the books of American History for ever!

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