Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rahul Gandhi

My eagerness to follow what Rahul does in life began in 1984 when the little boy was held tightly in the hug of his dad as the tragedy stuck the family in the name of Indira Gandhi assassination. A little toddler with specs was seen crying silently amidst the chaos of the fall of National Leader who was synonym to the woman power and iron leadership. Those were the first pictures of Rahul in my memory.
It was in 1991 May 25th that the same boy, then in his early twenties stood bravely consoling his mother as the funeral possession of his dad was happening. This time, there was little more matured adult seen in the screens of Indian television. His composed self with Priyanka Gandhi gave me lot of courage as the same tragedy of losing my dad stuck me just few months after that gruesome assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. I know, somewhere inside me I am following the moments of Rahul, silently but inspiring little Gandhi.
It was once again in 2004 during India General Elections, emerged a silent Gandhi from his usual composed self. This time, not holding his mother's hand but walking in parallel. In spite of all the woes and cries against dynasty politics in India, there emerged a true leader, born in a family that is grown amidst politics, national leadership, freedom struggle and which played a major role in drafting the Indian History ever since its Independence in 1947.
Rahul though compared alot with his dad, is definitely a different specie. Rahul is a sure strategist, and handles politics as entrepreneurship. He is slowing getting in the corporate way of handling things to manage micro-level participation of his party and activities in the growth process of Emerging New India. Like Rajiv, Rahul also had got a very high charisma that attracts general public very easily, and he got a style of handling things and most importantly he knows how to touch people's hearts. Unlike Rajiv, Rahul is a more confident politician who was made slowly and steadily and not pushed into politics by force like in case of Rajiv, as it happened twice during Sanjay's death and Indira's assassination. Rahul took his time to understand the real political scenario and also analytically approach the grassroots problems of the common man. The best part of this young hero is his approach to re vibrate the youth energy in the country. Near to 70 MPs today are below 40 years of age and near to 10% of Parliament is Women. Politics for the first time, came within the reach of the common man.
Recognizing of education, value system and most importantly, the political objectives were more clear than making politics just a platform to earn money.
Rahul and his brigade will change and transform the way the various government institutions function today. It is not just a hope but a plan put in action and will be executed. It is not easy to bring a 100 Crore population to one single thread of understanding, and this time, Rahul with his ability to convert his charisma and integrity to vote bank proved that it is possible. He brought in a voter consciousness in the 2009 general elections and proved that Congress is a capable National Party that can provide good governance, stability, integrity and aim at overall National growth and security. Its just a matter of time, that this young leader will become the leading star of Indian Politics and become the Nation's most sought Prime Minister.
Its just a 4 years exposure into National Politics that made a lawyer become a renowned President of United States and Obama-mania has hit the world positively like never before. Here we have a boy born in a politically- rich family, have seen politics and governance all his life, grown as a responsible Youth leading the energies of this vast diversified democratic Nation and a matured adult who is a keen politician, best orator, a self grown strategist and the new face of Gandhi Family, who emerged amidst adversities of tragic assassinations, political battles, threats and dilemmas but truly towards one single long term objective- to lead this Nation one day. No wonder, Rahul-Mania will overgrow and become more charismatic than obama-mania!

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