Friday, April 3, 2020

Corona Crisis- Living in and Learning From - New Teacher in the Block

Corona Crisis-  Living in and Learning From - New Teacher in the Block

The world is gripping with death & fear
War with the infinitesimal enemy near
Time to raise with faith and not fear
Sadness, hopelessness and several unshed tears

Looking into the eye of the storm
and time to remain resilient and calm
Lord, what are you wanting us to learn?
How are you pushing us to seeking the change?

How fragile, how impermanence is real art!
Global crisis teaching how weak humans are
Will we prevent our own extinction as species
if fierce virus spread or if much bigger one comes!

How equal we are! In the eyes of Teacher Virus!
With no limits of race, religion or National borders
It doesn’t care what colour we are, what language we speak
what history we hold, or what elatedness we at peak!

Nothing matters in the eyes of the contagious disease
In human suffering, pain of loss, all are just equal
We are at the loss of control, destiny or mastering our fate!
Corona busted the bubble of illusion with reality mastering!

In this suffering and death, humans became alone!
The pain that cannot be shared with loved ones in any way
Your health, your wellness, your pain or your death, it’s just yours!
Isolation teaches you that end of the day it’s just you to you what matters!

One mother could not see her dead son on other side of planet
A young man did not have the glimpse of his dead father!
There are no longer loved ones around mourning the loss
You are just a mass ready to be ash the minute the virus wins over you!

Time to understand the fear and the faith
Cherish whatever you before the moments of wraith
No wrong in reacting in our different way
Faith is not in the Stars or the Gods we pray

It is the human belief, that our wisdom can win
over the strength of the invisible virus vigorous dance
Realising that we are so small and insignificant
Letting go greed, the human ego and all the fallacies of mankind

Time to join our hand in prayers in our countries and cities
Pray for medical teams and Government machinery in place
Keeping in thoughts of all those men and women already infected
Staying in homes and protecting our kith and kin

Today is still the day, we do not know what is tomorrow in store
Let’s take THIS moment to shout out our love to those we mean
Call and ask up for that forgiveness to those who we did hurt
Take a moment to pause and show gratitude to all who meant for you

Corona crisis teaches us the loss of vanity of our lives
In midst of the existing madness, let’s stay ground
not losing perspectives and things to fill our lives
For one day, this too shall pass, but the lessons not!

This global pandemic showed that no country is big
or no culture is supreme.  All are just human species
Let’s respect every living being with hope of tomorrow
so that we get back with hope and live again in true harmony!

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