Tuesday, April 14, 2020

#Day14 NaPoWriMo 14 April 20 Nature of Life - inspiration to poetry

What else can inspire you
To pour out of your heart
Life…the eternal source of love
The very nature of life
Way things unfold
Push you to pursue dreams
Raise up through the tears
Chase away endless fears
Life… the eternal quest
To continue, to pursue
The very nature of life
With all its lovely drives
Can we raise or die
As Life teaches you things
People who touch you
Moments that made new
Charging to experiences
Of life that endanger too
Emotions that overdrive
The days in paradise
People who you recognize
For having loved you deep
Or giving you lessons to keep
Incidents that you apologize
happenings that you prioritize
dreams that come to materialize
everything that made you survive
Celebrating the fact of being alive
What else can inspire you to write
Then the very Nature of Life and its Might!

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