Wednesday, April 15, 2020

#Day15 NaPoWriMo - Osho- When Love breaths into words!

Osho Quotes That Will Help to Guide In Your Life or Love {Solved}

Osho-   a unique preacher of his kind

Who rose beyond the normal fences of life
Teachings that inspire to live life of our choices
Who charges you to feel still, feel loved and feel life
In his world, nothing is wrong, nothing is right
The way you understand life and live is only might
There is only one thing of life…the soul embodying truth
No body, no form, no language, no restriction
Life is just the way you live truthful to your thoughts
The only love is not to harm fellow human beings
Ocean of life, filled with every drop it sure strings
What else can you offer, than the only real wealth
Wealth of love for those who surround you in dearth
The only final unison of the mind, body and soul
Can be of you with the larger universe as cosmic will
Go deep inside you awakening the real inner you
Fill life with love, music, beauty, peace and poetry
With dreams of happiness, the pain and suffering ceases
When life is filled with the eternal songs, pain descends
Raise in silence,  the beauty of the calmness of mind
To rejoice life, to celebrate love, in unison with the cosmos
Surrendering to the Supreme is the only destination
In vacuum and absolute stillness and silence
Is when you will truly find Him in horizons

Know Meditation...Know Life...Osho!  Pic: Umasree in Nagalapuram

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