Friday, April 12, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024- Day 12 - Food Memory- from my grandmother's kitchen

 In grandma's kitchen, memories bloom,

Where Andhra delicacies chase away gloom.

Spicy pickles, a burst of flavor divine,

Each bite a journey, a taste so fine.

Chill drinks, a cool relief on sweltering days,

A sip of nostalgia in every glaze.

From fiery curries to tangy chutneys bold,

Every dish a story, waiting to be told.


The aroma of spices fills the air,

As grandma's love permeates everywhere.

In every morsel, her warmth we find,

A culinary journey, to treasure and bind.

So let's raise a toast to grandma's fare,

To the flavors and love she used to share.

For in her kitchen, memories thrive,

Where Andhra delicacies keep our spirits alive.

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