Saturday, April 13, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024- Day 13 - Sharp - Today's Youth


In the youth of today, sharp minds do soar,

With technology's wings, they aim to explore.

Empathy's beacon, their guiding light,

In a world of chaos, they shine so bright.

Their fingers dance on screens, a digital art,

Yet their hearts beat strong, with love's impart.

In virtual realms, they connect and create,

Building bridges of hope, beyond any gate.

With innovation's fire, they blaze their trail,

Seeking justice and truth, they never fail.

Through pixels and bytes, they spread their love,

A force for change, rising above.

So let's celebrate the youth of today,

In their hands, lies the future's ray.

With technology, empathy, and love combined,

They'll sculpt a world of a kinder kind.

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