Sunday, April 14, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024- Day 14- List Poem

In the bustling city streets I find, A myriad of wonders to unwind.

  1. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, Wafting from cafes, warm and cozy.

  2. Pedestrians hurrying, phones in hand, Lost in their digital wonderland.

  3. Street performers, talents on display, Captivating crowds in their own way.

  4. Pigeons flocking, in a synchronized dance, Amidst the chaos, they find their chance.

  5. Neon signs, lighting up the night, A kaleidoscope of colors, oh so bright.

  6. Honking cars, a cacophony of sound, Mingling with chatter, all around.

  7. Towering skyscrapers, reaching for the sky, A testament to human ambition, oh so high.

  8. A patch of green, a park oasis, Offering respite from urban phases.

  9. Smiling faces, strangers passing by, Each with a story, hidden from the eye.

  10. And amidst it all, I find my place, In this vibrant city, a boundless space.

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