Sunday, April 7, 2024

NaPoWriMo 2024- Day 7- Reasons - Poem Title : Reasons to be happy in all seasons


Beneath the azure sky, reasons to rejoice,
In every breath, in every choice.
Richness not in gold but in hearts that care,
In moments shared, in bonds we bear.

Contentment found in simple pleasures near,
In laughter's echo, in shedding a tear.
Peace like a river, serene and deep,
In letting go, in tranquil sleep.

Liveliness in the dance of dawn's first light,
In melodies sung under stars at night.
For happiness thrives in the love we give,
In the beauty of life, in the will to live.

So let us cherish each moment's grace,
In the tapestry of life, in every embrace.

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