Sunday, April 7, 2024

NaPoWriMo - Day 8- A Funny Love Poem - "Hustle of a mom and a daughter" Ofcourse with my and only Aish

In love's mad dance, we sway, me and you,

A duet of laughter, tears, and "I do's".
Your sass, my wisdom, a tangled knot,
Through storms and sun, we never forgot.

Like cats and dogs, we clash and fight,
Yet in our hearts, a bond so tight.
Your quirks, my quirks, we learn to embrace,
In this crazy waltz, we find our grace.

Through love and hate, we navigate,
Emotions raw, we elevate.
With tears we've shed, we've built respect, 

A mother's love, a daughter's perfect duet. 

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