Sitting through the night
Working at my desk
The thoughts seem to be flowing
And forced me to muse away for a while
Running behind the miles that need to leap
With the dreams that still need to reap
There can be no rest to this mind
Amidst the thoughts of happiness and kind
As I make my life more meaningful
And make the journey full of ups and downs
I enjoy my ride with an inbuilt pride
Every day dawns to me as a new bride
Every action makes me enjoy its notion
Feeding a hungry dog on a picnic
Or listening to the elderly on a Sunday noon
And sometimes watching my child grow
And admiring the teen life and reliving my own
Or just care taking my mom in the hospital
Just calling a friend and making her smile
Wishing an old forgotten man a good morning
Smiling at a stranger on my way to the office
Stopping by and dropping a coin for a temple box
Every small thing makes it life in a big way
As I sat in Nagala, forgetting the world around
And the fishes that gave me kiss’s to my feet
The stones that spoke stories of an unending era
The natural bliss of lake, mountains and trees
What else can you ask for in life to rejoice?
As I take a morning bus and visit a home
Hold the youngest child in my arms and let her sleep
A child in me awakens for the warmth of my mother
As I talk to the teenaged kids who aspire to be great
And feed their aged and poor parents, the dreams
I love them for their aspirations, and wishes to come true
A young orphan law student fighting for her rights
The activist in me awakens to a new dawn of lights
The world is a just the place on how you make it
Just sit, sleep, eat and die, and can be no one and nothing
Or make it big, in the smallest ways you can by loving life
As I pour water to my plants and talk to them, my girl
I tell her, I am not mad, but the plants do understand my
The flowers and fragrance they give me is plenty
The love I share by growing them and taking care is bounty
My man tells me to slow down in life, and take it bit by bit
But, I feel that time lost is time never gained. And I can’t
My mind is full of thoughts for the actions next and next
The quest is big to make my life the very best and lest I
As my health gives me jerks at times to slow down, I do so
Yet the mind musters courage to regain the strength to run
The run is a never ending marathon, full of glorified simple
To admire the unsung heroes of every day life and respect
Enabling women and weak around me to make a bit more than I
And spreading the message of hope, faith and love and
What else can we do as human beings in this restless world?
Than to be tolerant and teach humbleness and lessons to live
in peace