Wednesday, April 3, 2024

#NaPoWriMo - Day 4- AGAIN - Poem Title " Falling in love again and again"


In shadows of pain, I found a spark,
A flicker of hope in the endless dark.
Through failures and tears, love did bloom,
In the depths of despair, like a fragrant perfume.

Each hurt a lesson, each tear a release,
In the symphony of life, love found its peace.
Amidst the chaos, a whisper of bliss,
Falling in love again, with each tender kiss.

Through trials and triumphs, we dance the same tune,
In the rhythm of love, our hearts commune.
For in this journey, amidst joy and strain,
We find the courage to fall in love again and again.

#NaPoWriMo2024 - Day 3- Cat Poem - Poem Title: "Our Paru- Our Cat Queen"


In a kingdom of cozy corners and soft purrs,
There reigns a queen, with grace that stirs.
Paru, the feline sovereign of our abode,
With whiskers like scepters and eyes that glow.

She saunters with elegance, a regal stride,
In her presence, all troubles subside.
For she's more than just a pet, you see,
She's the light, the joy, the heart's decree.

In her kingdom, she holds dominion supreme,
Where cushions are thrones and dreams gleam.
With a flick of her tail, she commands our affection,
Bringing warmth and love in her every direction.

She's the muse of our laughter, the comfort we seek,
In her soft fur, we find solace unique.
With each gentle purr, she whispers tales
Of friendship, loyalty, and love that never fails.

Through days of sun and nights of moon,
Paru's presence is a soothing tune.
For she's not just a cat, but a cherished friend,
Whose loyalty and love have no end.

So here's to Paru, our queen divine,
In her kingdom of love, we forever shine.
Our light, our happiness, our guiding star,
Paru, the queen of our house, forever you are.

Love you Baby Paru, our Cat Queen !