Date: 19 April 2015
In Life's journey, every result
or an outcome of an action
Is just another event in Life
But not the Destination
Destination is only an end result
of Life's passionate ending
The final eternal rest that we welcome
Till such time, every destination
Is just another milestone
In life, as we take those turns
Be it for good or in store for surprises
It makes us continue the journey
Success that does not take onto your held
The failure that does not take away courage
Makes your journey possible
with its own twists and turns
On the bridges and inside the tunnels
There can be sheer darkness around
May be light at the end of the tunnel
But what makes it important
is to continue the journey of life
no matter what, long that you are destined
God's master plans for each one of us
Is already laid and marked imprint
You just have to follow the way it takes
towards the rides of life
Some may be smooth, some harsh
Some deep in the ocean
Some high in the sky
Some wides around the earth
some as small as pebbles
What ever it may be, just move on
The destination is not yet come
Towards what next, you have to look upon
Keep away the fears of the future
the dirt of the unforgiven past
Just focus on the present ride
so that you dont miss the trail
God is the only guide in this life
The map is there and we just need to follow
till we get to that amazing destination
called Eternal Rest!
Till such time...destination is just not in sight!
In fact, no one can actually see their end!
So why worry about the final thing
that you will not even hear or know!
Who grieves over your loss
or who applauds your achievements
who carries your legacy
or who disintegrates your memory
All is just an illusion during the journey
In the end, nothing matters! Truly Not even YOU!