"Leprosy is curable" .."National Leprosy Eradication Programme"..1983 Cricket team support Leprosy Foundation for cure and prevention.....we grew up with such campaigns during 80's and 90's when lepers were treated as untouchables and shunned by society. Though the disease is now slowly fading, the stigma associated to it is still a reality. Raghu and I had our biggest lesson during pandemic when we went into Balarampuram Leprosy Colony in Villivakkam, with a truck load of rations on request of Dr Renuka Ramakrishnan and on financial support from Maatram Foundation Sujith Kumar . They treated us with humbleness and deepest gratitude as they hardly had support during pandemic. 95 houses secluded from the heart of city, having their own way of life, their younger generations are struggling to find a new recognition.
oday was such an experience when we were invited to Golden Jubilee celebration of German Hospital Gremaltes Hospital which is doing free Leprosy treatment for last 50 years in Shenoy Nagar Chennai..Renuka Ramakrishnan Doctor was honoured with several other doctors, nurses, pharma and para medical institutions, several social workers, field workers and few patients in a beautiful function held at @Union Christian Association Paramedical College campus in chetpet and I was also felicitated for our little contribution during the covid times ... Thank you Dr Renuka Ramakrishnan for taking me along in your service support and also recognitions galore....There is lot more work to do to make India Leprosy Free Nation...Sandhya Subramanian and family do support the Leprosy village in Vellore every year and I feel grateful when we can send torn cotton sarees and socks they need.